A two-year-old baby is an independent, active and restless creature. He quickly moves in space, managing to stick his finger into the socket, knock over a vase of flowers and so on on the go … He already knows how to speak and express his desires. To engage the child with useful games, direct his irrepressible energy to the development of physical and intellectual abilities is not an easy task, but if you approach the matter creatively, it is quite doable.

Step 1
A child at the age of two is actively developing and learns something new every day. Take your baby for a walk with joint games, in the warm season on the playground or in the sandbox. Kids love to make Easter cakes, but they don't always know how to do it. Show him how to handle the sand mold. Create animal figurines with him and tell about them. In addition to the fact that the baby learns to create with his own hands, stories about animals contribute to his mental development. He will soon learn to recognize them and will tell you about them himself.
In winter, together with the baby, sculpt snowmen and other figures from the snow, teach him how to use a shovel - for example, clear the road to the entrance. Explain why this is needed, he must understand that his actions are of real benefit. The child will develop a stereotype that helping people is interesting and fun.
Step 2
Play educational games with your baby at home. Read to him books-riddles, in the content of which there is a clue. Play a game - find out what is drawn. Build together with him a house for a doll or a garage from cubes, at an older age he will gladly do it on his own. Use him as an assistant when cleaning the apartment. Kids at this age are happy to help their mother clean the floor or dishes. Of course, it turns out not quite what is needed, but the main thing is to support in the child the desire to be independent and be useful.
Step 3
If the baby does not go to nursery yet, he needs to be taught to communicate with peers. Enroll him in a circle in the child center. For children of this age, there are creative activities and physical exercises. He gladly climbs the Swedish wall, plays with a ball with other children or dances simple dances. In addition to developing motor skills and other skills, children learn collective communication in children's centers. This will later come in handy in the process of adapting a child in kindergarten.