"Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!" - this saying has developed back in the days when the indicated amount was very impressive. Of course, real friendship cannot be bought for any money, nevertheless the saying once again emphasized: friends must be cherished! When a child grows up, begins to speak confidently, play with other children, he chooses his first friends. Of course, mom and dad want their baby to communicate with good, kind, well-mannered children.

Step 1
Remember: everything has its time. A two-year-old child, even willingly playing with other children in the sandbox, will not consider one of them as a potential friend or girlfriend - he is still too young for that. Accordingly, the parents' advice will be meaningless: "You would have made friends with Petenka, he is so well-mannered and calm!" or "Be friends with Dasha, such a nice girl!" The kid simply will not understand what they want from him. But it is imperative to tell him about friendship!
Step 2
Read fairy tales and nursery rhymes, watch cartoons with a child about friendship. This is necessary so that a clear thought arises in the baby's head: Friendship is good! Let him remember this word and at the mere mention of it will receive positive emotions, because this is very important.
Step 3
A three-year-old baby can already more or less clearly define: with whom he wants to be friends, and with whom he does not. At this stage, be gentle and patient, remembering that the logic of an adult and a child are completely different things. For example, a situation has arisen: your baby does not want to be friends with a good, kind boy, because he has a defect in appearance. And with childlike spontaneity he answers the question "Why are you not friends with him?" - "Then why is he ugly!"
Step 4
Gently, but persistently, convince the baby that the qualities of the soul have nothing to do with their appearance. Some instructive fairy tale (like "The Ugly Duckling"), parable or life story will help here.
Step 5
When your child gets a little older, be sure to explain to him what the value of real friendship is. The task of mom and dad is to inspire their offspring that they need to help a friend, share with him, and keep him from doing bad things. Without demanding anything in return, without asking the question: "What will I get from this?" Then the friend will do the same to him.