Somersault is an integral part of many acrobatic exercises, so it is often practiced in physical education lessons. The problems that arise during its implementation are usually associated with the fact that before school, no one teaches children to tumble correctly: neither parents nor kindergarten teachers.

Practice shows: the younger the child, the easier it is to teach him something. The main thing is that he does everything under the supervision of adults.
Somersaults are useful
Correctly executed somersaults are very useful at any age. In early childhood, they have a positive effect on the work of the brain, have a good effect on overall physical development, teach to coordinate and coordinate their actions, to group, including in extreme situations. Subsequently, the acquired skills will work already at the level of mechanical memory and will help to collect and avoid serious injuries in an emergency.
The technique of performing somersault by a child about a year old
Young children are very fond of these exercises, but they cannot yet do them correctly. Parents should play a major role in the learning process.
The "rocking chair" exercise will prepare the child to perform somersaults: lay the child on his back, tuck his legs to the stomach, and the chin to the chest, then make light swaying on the back. This is exactly what the baby's posture should be after doing somersault.
Performing the somersault itself:
- an adult with his left hand firmly holds the baby in the abdomen, pressing his back to himself, with his right hand - gently tilts the baby's head down, bringing his chin to his chest;
- smoothly turns the child onto his back.
It is important that the child rolls straight forward, starting from the back of the head (not from the top of the head!) And ending with the tailbone. In order for the kid to remember the sequence of actions and learn how to perform them technically correctly during somersault, each step must be pronounced, turning the training into an interesting game. Such classes will allow, at an early age, to teach a child to perform somersaults without risk to health.
Training somersaults at school age
If the child is already faced with the fact that he does not succeed in the correct somersault, you can control the implementation of the exercise and figure out what he is doing wrong, and explain how to do the exercise correctly.
Rolls should be performed on a mat (or on a thick blanket). The technique is as follows:
- squat down, stretch your arms forward and rest them on the floor;
- gradually bending your arms, straighten your legs, lower your head and touch the back of your head to the floor;
- push off the floor with your feet, roll from the back of your head onto your shoulder blades, then onto your tailbone, while pressing your knees, wrapped in your hands, to your chest;
- after completing the exercise, stretch your legs and arms.