In recent years, a kindergarten collapse has occurred in our country, which gradually turned into a global problem for parents who have been queuing for kindergarten for several months, or even years.

Step 1
According to the President of the country and many parents, in order to resolve this situation, the use of private gardens should be involved, which will help to distribute, if not the main number of children, but will present a significant percentage of success here. Moreover, such gardens have many advantages:
- large groups of children are not formed in private kindergartens, - an individual approach to each child, - are distinguished by modern equipment: furniture, toys and appliances, - an interesting and varied program of classes, - the composition of teachers and the possibility of conducting a competent dialogue with them,
- well thought out nutrition.
Step 2
But then the next question arises: "Where can I get premises and areas for walking for private gardens?" Many kindergartens are set up right in the apartments. Fortunately, the number of children in such kindergartens is limited (maximum 10 people). But this is already something, compared to the complete despair that is observed today in all regions of the country.
Step 3
First of all, it is necessary to return the buildings of preschool institutions, previously redesigned for various institutions. It will not be superfluous to open special children's groups in schools.