How To Notice Only The Beautiful In People

How To Notice Only The Beautiful In People
How To Notice Only The Beautiful In People

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For some people, the glass is usually half empty, for others it is half full. Also, some people more often see good qualities in people, while others - negative ones. In the first case, it is easier to find a common language with others.

How to notice only the beautiful in people
How to notice only the beautiful in people


Step 1

The way a person perceives others is imprinted by his past experience, as well as the nature of the person as a whole. So, an increased level of suspicion and anxiety makes others more afraid and look for flaws in them, and in their behavior - a catch. As a rule, a person who knows how to see good in people is more friendly, he makes him want to communicate with him, which means he has more chances to become successful. These people have more friends and tend to find it easier to build partnerships and romantic relationships.

Step 2

Most people are not unambiguously “good” or “bad,” but combine many qualities that are usually classified as positive or negative. They may behave differently in different situations and with different people. You can learn to identify good qualities in people by training your perceptual filter. If you give yourself the task of seeing only blue or red objects in the room, your gaze will highlight them. The same is with people - abstracting from the first negative thoughts and expectations, observe the person and think about what advantages he has. Praise him mentally for that. The next time you meet, you will already have a certain positive association.

Step 3

Good psychologists know that often behind the conditional shortcomings of people their positive qualities are hidden, which they hide for any reason. For example, a person with a broken heart may wear the mask of a cold and cynical heartthrob, fearing that he will be hurt again, while hurting himself. Behind the external arrogance and detachment can hide social phobia and fear of communication. It should be remembered that everyone has their weaknesses, and sometimes people prefer to hide their vulnerable sides of themselves, creating an image of the strong and even aggressive.

Step 4

If you observe people more, they may surprise you. You may find that someone with a reputation for being thrifty and greedy is involved in charity work, that the evil boss loves and cares for his children very much, and the grumpy roommate is responsive in difficult situations. Of course, this does not mean that you need to see the world with pink glasses and become overly gullible. After all, even good people can behave dishonestly or do something negative when their interests are affected or for any other reason. But it will be useful to realize that the world is quite diverse and is not divided only into black and white.
