Before starting a conversation with your child about art, think about what you yourself know about it. Start exploring the history of painting, music, film, and other arts. Go to exhibitions, film premieres, concerts. Then the desire to acquaint the child with art will be supported by their own experience and impressions, and this is already half the battle.

It is necessary
- - art manuals;
- - visiting libraries;
- - the Internet.
Step 1
Purchase an album with reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Check with the seller in the store which album is suitable for collaboration with your child. Before you start talking about art with your toddler, flip through the album yourself. Highlight the most interesting and suitable works in your opinion. Bookmark. Write down the names of the paintings and artists whose names you have noted for yourself. If the purchased book is just an album and does not contain any additional information, collect the information yourself. To do this, you can go to the library or look on the Internet.
Step 2
Start classes. Spend a few hours a week talking about art with your child. Let him become familiar with communication with you on the topic of art. Why is it easier and more correct to start with painting? Because of all types of art, it is perhaps the most understandable to the kid. On his own experience, he probably already managed to get acquainted with what drawing is. Therefore, it will be easier for him to penetrate the secrets of the art of drawing than to study music, literature or cinema.
Step 3
Start your lesson by getting to know the painting. Open the reproduction in front of the baby. Ask him to look closely at the picture. Talk to him about what he sees. Notice what he will first notice in the picture. Then ask what is on it - there may be surprises here. With regard to the plot of the picture, the child can put forward the most extraordinary versions. It is difficult for him to grasp the story that is depicted in the picture, so he will most likely begin to list the individual objects depicted. Your task is to confirm his observation. "The picture really depicts all the items that you listed, but let's figure out what this picture is about?" Teach him to see the integrity, and not the individual components of the canvas.
Step 4
Move on to discuss the ways in which the artist embodied his idea. Better to speak without using special terms. You can name them yourself, but do not require this from the child. Your task is not to raise an art critic in a few classes, but to instill in the kid a desire to turn to art and provoke an emotional experience from the canvas. Ask your toddler why the artist used these colors for this painting. If you are considering a landscape, give your child the opportunity to speculate why the sky, water, leaves are in exactly these shades? Of course, there is a more or less coherent art history concept on this matter, but your task is to make the child think, concentrate, peer into the picture, and not give an exact answer.