The child's activity begins to manifest itself at the age of 4-6 years. During this period, it is important to stimulate interest in sports, as in the future it will be the best investment in the health of the baby. The role of parents in this process is to choose the right direction.

How old can you put your child on rollers
If you notice that your child has the ability to skate in winter, then in the summer you can safely put him on rollers. However, there are some age restrictions. Orthopedists advise to start training from 4-5 years old, when the child's body and skeletal system is more formed. Long-term skating is not encouraged by doctors, since the rollers have a rigid structure and can affect the formation of the foot. The best criterion is the child's desire to ride. There are several important rules to keep in mind for parents.
The right motivation
When you have firmly decided that you will put the child on the rollers, then first learn how to properly motivate the child. Firstly, nothing can be better than your own example. Try to show your kid that you love and know how to ride too. Parents for a child are a whole universe, so he strives to correspond in everything to the behavior of adults. Secondly, it is important to praise your child at all stages of learning, as he needs moral support. If the praise is regular, then riding will turn into a pleasant pastime.
Thirdly, do not in any way scold or shame the child. With this behavior, you will forever discourage the desire to roller skate. Try to be patient. Even a short walk on roller-skates will bring not only a healing effect, but also relieve psycho-emotional stress.
Quality inventory
Children's foot at the age of 4-5 still has an insufficiently formed bone structure, so the choice of rollers is a responsible task. Anatomically correct fit for a comfortable ride. Don't skimp on quality, choose a reliable manufacturer. The boots must have sliding mechanisms to control the size of the foot. If the rollers become small, the size can be easily adjusted. Be sure to purchase protection for your hands and knees. Also buy a helmet. Parents often neglect this important rule, as a result of which the possibility of injury while riding increases significantly. The main thing is the safety of your child.
When the necessary equipment is purchased, then you can safely try to ride. To do this, choose a flat asphalt or use the services of a roller track, which can be found in any major city.