How And When A Krypton Wedding Is Celebrated

How And When A Krypton Wedding Is Celebrated
How And When A Krypton Wedding Is Celebrated

The spouses have already splendidly celebrated both chintz, wooden and pewter weddings … So the years passed imperceptibly, and it was time to celebrate the 19th anniversary, which bears a rather curious name - a krypton wedding.

How and when a krypton wedding is celebrated
How and when a krypton wedding is celebrated

Wedding anniversaries

The most common and most popular anniversaries are:

- calico wedding - the first year of marriage;

- paper wedding - second year;

- wooden wedding - five years together;

- copper wedding - when the couple lived together for seven years;

- pink (or pewter) wedding - ten years of marriage;

- crystal (or glass) wedding - fifteen years together;

- porcelain wedding - twenty years;

- silver wedding - twenty-five years together;

- pearl wedding - thirty years of marriage;

- ruby wedding - forty years together;

- golden wedding - fifty years of marriage.

Nineteen years of marriage and, accordingly, the nineteenth wedding anniversary is called a krypton wedding.

Krypton wedding: the meaning of the name

Krypton is a chemical, or rather a gas, that has no color, taste or smell. This gas is used in the production of energy saving lamps. The krypton wedding symbolizes the fact that the light of the relationship between the spouses has not yet gone out, and the relationship has moved into a more calm and measured mode.

Unfortunately, many people ignore this date, although it is very important, since this anniversary precedes the well-known porcelain wedding.

Krypton wedding: traditions and rituals

There is a little-known tradition - to devote the day of the krypton wedding to cleanliness, since the spouses must complete one cycle of life and move on to another. They must discuss and forgive all grievances, otherwise it often happens that after a krypton wedding, family relations deteriorate. This is a turning point, and it would be most correct to stay together on this day.

It is best to celebrate a krypton wedding in a small and calm circle of family or together.

There are two rites that spouses must go through if they want to celebrate a krypton wedding. The first is washing each other's feet. This is a very intimate moment when spouses get closer and show how much they trust each other.

There is a version that the ritual of washing the feet came from Asia, since the cleanliness of the feet is considered very important there.

The second rite is lighting a candle. Newlyweds used to light a candle during their wedding ceremony. Now that they are married at the registry office, this tradition can be fulfilled during this holiday. For a krypton wedding, spouses can light a candle and make vows or promises to each other, this will help keep them on good terms with each other.

People give a name to their wedding anniversaries for a reason, but many people these days forget about it. Maybe if spouses celebrated each anniversary according to tradition, there would be more happy marriages.
