The first teeth, the lower anterior incisors, appear at 4-7 months. The kid begins to be capricious, his salivation increases, he constantly pulls his hands and various objects into his mouth, and his gums turn red and swell. The teething process is often accompanied by ailments. But the painful sensations can be alleviated.

- - teether ring;
- - gauze, terry cloth;
- - bib;
- - protective cream;
- - gum gel, pain relievers.
Step 1
Get a baby teether. The ring containing the liquid will help relieve gum pain. Leave it in the refrigerator for 5 minutes, but never freeze it. Keep an eye on your baby whenever he holds the teether in his mouth.
Step 2
Rub your baby's gums with your finger. Or roll up a small piece of clean gauze in several layers and use this pad to run it over your baby's swollen gums. This will not only help temporarily relieve the discomfort during teething, but also cleanse his mouth, teach him to brush his teeth daily. Wrap a small piece of ice in a clean cloth. Swiftly sweep the bite over your gums. However, make sure that the ice does not start to melt and cold water does not get on the gums and throat.
Step 3
Soak a clean washcloth in cold water, then wring out. Or put a piece of cloth in the refrigerator. Give a chilled napkin to your baby to chew on.
Step 4
Wipe up saliva constantly. Put a bib on the baby, change the blouse more often. Wet clothing in contact with the skin can cause rashes and irritation, especially on the neck, chest, and cheeks. Occasionally lubricate your baby's cheeks and chin with a protective cream.
Step 5
Find a special teething gum gel. Apply it to the gums according to the instructions. The gel causes a slight numbness of the gums and has a mild analgesic effect. If the ailments worsen, the baby has become too restless, cannot sleep, consult a pediatrician about the choice of a pain reliever.
Step 6
Show the utmost care and affection. During this period, your child needs extra attention. Hug him, press him to you, shake him, stroke him on the back, on the head, caress him. The kid should feel your warmth, love. If the baby is breastfed, it should not be weaned during this period.