What To Do If A Parent Yells At A Child In Your Presence

What To Do If A Parent Yells At A Child In Your Presence
What To Do If A Parent Yells At A Child In Your Presence

It can be very difficult to observe a situation when angry parents scold, humiliate or outright shout at their children. And we get lost between the desire to answer the parent in the same way or just leave without interfering.

parents yell at the child
parents yell at the child

Can you scold your parents in such a situation?

Probably, the cases are different, and sometimes putting such a parent in his place is not the worst option. Still, it's better not to do that.

First, you do not know these people at all, you have no idea how an even more embittered parent will react. Perhaps the child will get even more when they are out of sight.

Secondly, who did not get tired to the point of complete exhaustion. And whom did the children not bring to delirium tremens? Again, you cannot know what kind of parents they are in general. It is possible that relations in this family are actually good, and this case is out of the ordinary. Mom and Dad already experience (or will experience) feelings of guilt, helplessness and horror from what happened. And then you add.

Nevertheless, there are ways in which you can and should react in such a situation.

1. Switch your attention to the child. Do not contact the parent directly, contact the child, try to reassure him with some insignificant phrase. The task here is to reduce the intensity of passions, to show the kid that, in fact, he is not alone now in the whole world, that he has, if not help, then at least support. And the parent's attention in this case is likely to shift from blind aggression to the child himself and the world around him in general.

Sometimes it is useful for parents themselves in such a state to hear from the outside that their child is really great. That others see it too.

How can I do this?

I like children who draw so well and are not afraid to get dirty

· You ask very bold and smart questions. Such people achieve a lot in life. Well done!

· You are the most beautiful girl in the world! Trust me.

· You can even just wink or smile at the child so that he understands that you are on his side.

2. Instead of reproaching, offer help. Sometimes parents need literally a couple of minutes to recover. And sometimes it is even enough to hear that he is not condemned, that he is understood, that he is not alone with his emotions.

· Do you want me to hold him in my arms for a bit?

· I see how tired you are, I have a few minutes, can I help you with something?

Do you mind if your son and I read a book?

· Let me help you with your bags?

In all such situations, it is important to observe the main principle: whatever you do, the amount of good in the world must increase. If our society is friendly, life will be easier and safer for everyone. Including our children.
