In the lives of many women, non-reciprocal love is found, and everyone who has experienced it knows how depressed a person feels, experiencing one-sided feelings, to whom the object of sympathy is cold. If there is no hope for reciprocity on the part of the other person, and your feelings can only upset you even more, you need to make an effort to overcome them and start a new life. How to do it?

Step 1
First of all, stop feeling sorry for yourself and gain confidence in your own strengths and intentions. Reassure yourself not to regret what is impossible to achieve, and try to perceive your feelings as something in the past, which should be forgotten as yesterday.
Step 2
Think about the fact that you love and value yourself, which means that you do not allow yourself to suffer and worry about a person for whom you mean nothing. If the object of your sympathy has clearly expressed his reluctance to build a relationship with you, has shown indifference and lack of interest - you do not need this person, and he is not your destiny. Maintain your dignity - forget it, don't complain or discuss your failure with other people.
Step 3
Everyone knows that it is not so easy to forget a person who is sunk into the soul - but for this there are a lot of distracting maneuvers that will occupy you so much that you simply will not have enough time to yearn for non-existent feelings.
Step 4
Maintain a cheerful mood, chat with friends, do your favorite things - grow flowers, walk, exercise and dance, draw, read books, go to parties, watch movies and listen to music. All this will perfectly help to distract from the departed feelings.
Step 5
Take care of yourself - buy yourself a beautiful thing, use your favorite cosmetics, sign up for a beauty salon, cook your favorite dish. Understand that life goes on, and it is filled with many interesting events and pleasant things.
Step 6
Think about whether you have a dream or some goal that you have long wanted to achieve, but lacked the time and determination? If there is such a goal, it’s the very moment to start realizing it. Feel free to go to language courses, to a dance studio, on a trip, to the pool - learn what you have always dreamed of. You will understand that your unrequited feelings pale in comparison with new vivid impressions.
Step 7
Love yourself - only then will your next love be mutual. If you carry with you a train of resentment and self-doubt, the story of unrequited feelings may repeat itself, since men love cheerful and confident women.
Step 8
Maintain a sense of inner harmony, enjoy each new day, have fun looking at yourself in the mirror. Fill your life with a variety of events that develop both your body and your soul - and you will feel how life is improving, and a lot of new prospects open up ahead.