Everyone has a general idea of childhood. After all, there is no adult who would not have been a child once. However, when it comes time to become parents, future mothers and fathers either draw unambiguous conclusions from their childhood, or are generally afraid to reason themselves and rely only on the advice of professional teachers. And in order to feel confident, you need to know the answer to the question of what childhood is and what tasks a person solves during this period of life.

Step 1
Childhood in most countries is considered to be the period from birth to 18 years of age. Childhood is a psychological concept, because the biological maturity in some people can come as early as 13-14 years old. During this period, the future member of society is being prepared for full-fledged life in it. At this time, the foundation is laid for the development of the emotional sphere and intelligence, as well as the ability to harmoniously interact with the structures that exist in society. The boundaries of time periods are blurred and very individual, some become psychologically mature only by the age of 28-30. But this belongs to the extreme, there are average statistical norms and crises characteristic of all children.
Step 2
Up to one year, the child receives basic concepts of the world and a very important attitude towards trust or distrust of the world. Therefore, the mother needs to be close to the child for up to a year, despite the importance of her professional activity. If a woman wants to have an emotionally healthy and intellectually open child to the world, she needs to donate at least a year to her baby.
Step 3
From one to three years, a child forms his first practical skills, it is not only the ability to serve himself. Some kids already at this age are able to influence the mood around them, some are more capable of delicate manual movements, others know how to build relationships, and still others do an excellent job with the designer. Abilities are different, but it is at this age that a person learns to form his living environment, to solve urgent problems. If there is not enough information from the sphere of abilities at this stage, at the next stages a person will feel incapable of solving everyday tasks (specifically for his personality type).
Step 4
At the age of three, the child suddenly becomes capricious, it is difficult to calm him down and understand what he wants. The fact is that he himself does not yet understand what he needs. And he is trying to find out empirically what information stimulates his psyche. Someone needs vivid emotions, someone needs clear formulations and instructions. Some need new opportunities and riddles, others - interesting events, it depends on the psychotype. At this age, the child's motivation is laid, so whims must be endured and not try to forbid. The consequences of the prohibitions are very sad - a person is formed who does not want anything, and nothing is interesting to him.
Step 5
At the age of 13-14, the next serious test comes - the crisis of socialization. A person suddenly realizes that there is also the surrounding world, the requirements of which must be met. Before that, the child lives by personal interests in his world. Small children are not cruel - they just do not see themselves through the eyes of society. And at the age of 13-14, a young man “opens his eyes” and he begins to understand that you cannot run away from society. The parent must become for him a tolerant and tactful mentor of the rules adopted in society. Often, children do not trust their parents and seek outside counsel. Therefore, it is worth making an effort to become the main authority for the growing child.