When Conscious Life Begins

When Conscious Life Begins
When Conscious Life Begins

Self-awareness manifests itself in early adolescence. This age is characterized by the boundaries from 15 to 18 years. It was during this period that the formation of a person's personality was completed.

When conscious life begins
When conscious life begins

The age of early adolescence is a transitional stage for a person from childhood to adulthood. It arises at the turn of the usual school life and new unexplored paths. Characteristic for this period are feelings such as responsibility towards oneself and loved ones, fear of the possibility of choice and error.

Self-determination aspect

One of the most important aspects of self-awareness is self-determination. It is subdivided into personal and professional. The first poses the question to the high school student: "What to be?" This aspect determines the character, abilities and personal qualities of the student as an individual. The second poses the question to a person: "Who to be?" The student tries to determine his own interests, tries to feel what kind of activity attracts him the most.

The aspect of self-determination can also be attributed to the presence of a life plan. A blurry sense of time, inability to see oneself in the future, fear of change - all this speaks of a low level of self-awareness. By the end of school, the student should clearly see his abilities, be able to mobilize internal resources and focus on one activity. It helps a person to enter adulthood, start working or study in a specialty. If the individual does not succeed in this, then he chooses negative patterns of behavior: alcoholism, drugs, an immoral or idle lifestyle.

Personal aspect

There are three components to the personal aspect of self-awareness. The first is self-respect. The degree of a person's acceptance of himself as a person can be either high or low. In a successful scenario, the new society accepts a person the way he presents himself. Otherwise, both students and work colleagues can take advantage of the vulnerable person.

Secondly, self-reflection plays an important role in self-awareness. A person cannot be aware of the world around him without understanding his inner world. It is possible that in the period of early adolescence, interest in oneself and one's uniqueness will be increased.

Third, self-regulation is of particular importance. A person entering society must understand and accept the norms of behavior. Control over emotions and one's own state in a critical situation indicates how conscious a person is.

Moral aspect

The moral aspect of self-awareness includes two categories. Moral stability is the ability to be guided in behavior by one's own views and beliefs. The formation of a worldview is the emergence of a more or less clear picture of the world, the systematization of one's own beliefs on certain issues.
