Faith in God for many people is an important part of their life. She supports in difficult times, gives hope, helps not to despair. At the same time, there are many who are disappointed in God and can no longer and do not want to trust Him.

To understand why many people deviate from God, one must first answer another question - why do people come to faith at all? For some, this is a sincere aspiration of the soul, a very clear feeling that the Creator really exists and life without Him is simply unthinkable. Living without God is like living without the Sun or without air.
But there are also those who came to God for other reasons. For some it is just a tribute to fashion, for others it is the hope that thanks to God it will be possible to improve their affairs. It is no secret that faith in the Creator becomes most in demand during periods of life's upheavals and trials. It is at such moments that she can experience the strongest heyday - or complete decline.
What people expect from faith
It is very important to understand what a person expects from faith. Unfortunately, for many people, faith is exclusively consumer - they hope that prayers to God will bring them some benefits. And when one day it turns out that prayers do not bring the expected effect, there is great disappointment.
Of course, not all worshipers ask for some kind of material benefits. Many people sincerely pray for the health of their loved ones, ask for help in family life. These are truly pure requests that have nothing to do with self-interest. But they, too, in many cases remain unanswered, which makes people lose faith, if not in the omnipotence of God, then at least in His desire to help.
Why prayers do not work in many cases
The very formulation of the question in this case is not entirely correct, prayer cannot be regarded as a way to achieve a certain result. However, it is asked quite often. To understand why some prayers are not being fulfilled, it is necessary to understand the very essence of communication between man and God.
According to the canons of many traditional religions, a person's task is to come to God, to restore the connection lost with Him. Any trials on the path of life contribute to the restoration of this connection. The most difficult thing for a person is to trust God, not to deny Him even in the most difficult situations. A typical situation: there is a sincere prayer for the health of a person, and he dies. Why did it happen, didn't God hear the prayers?
For a believer, there is no doubt that prayers have been heard but not fulfilled. Why? In some situations, you can try to understand, in some you just have to believe God - that it was so necessary, that what happened had to happen.
It should also be borne in mind that the fulfillment of prayers would not always be beneficial for a person. Knowing this, God leaves such prayers unanswered. It is at such moments that a person's faith in God manifests itself - one should accept the result, put up with it, even if it turns out to be very difficult.
How not to be disappointed in God
This requires a very strong unbreakable faith. Belief that God is always right, that He knows how it will be best for a person. You cannot blame God for not giving something, not saving someone, not fulfilling some request. It is the ability to humble ourselves that distinguishes a true believer. The ability to thank even in a situation when there seems to be nothing to thank for.
There is one more important point. It is not by chance that Christianity speaks of what is given to people according to their faith. And it is very difficult to believe correctly, as well as to pray correctly. During prayer, one should not have a shadow of doubt that the prayer will be fulfilled. It is necessary to pray with a feeling of gratitude for being heard, that God knows about all your hardships and will certainly help. With correct prayer, there is no feeling of despair - on the contrary, there is confidence that God hears you, that your prayers will not go unanswered. After that, one should humbly accept the result, whatever it may be.