Punishing a teenager makes sense when he understands his fault and knows what he has to "pay" for. Therefore, before punishment, one should explain what he did wrong, what it will lead to, and ultimately punish him so that he once and for all understands the significance of his offense and, henceforth, does not repeat it.

Step 1
Pranks. Small pranks to a teenager can be forgiven once, but if they continue at frequent intervals, then you should not close your eyes to it. For example, he took it as a fashion to publicly humiliate some peer who is weaker than him and cannot answer. It would seem that you would think that he pushed him once, the second time he took away his backpack, the third time he announced a boycott, having persuaded the whole class. Undoubtedly, the offended peer must learn to stand up for himself, but your teenager by his actions only develops anger, aggression and despotism in himself, which in the future can turn into a real disaster. In this case, it is not worthwhile to put in a corner, declare house arrest and even use physical violence in the form of flogging with a belt. the effect will be zero. The teenager must experience for himself, feel the position in which he gladly puts his victim. Take the teenager to an unfamiliar team, where the guys are a little older and stronger. Let them let him know that the newcomer is out of place here, and they do not need his communication (talk the guys in advance). A place for education, you can choose a young fighter's club, a survival school, i.e. where the real army atmosphere reigns. Thus, tearing himself away from his mother's skirt and home comfort, the teenager will come out in 2 weeks with a completely different awareness of life.
Step 2
Bad habits. Smoking cigarettes on the sly will show up one day. Shouting, taking pocket money, throwing the entire pack of cigarettes into the trash can will not help matters. Next time he will borrow money from his comrades and start smoking on the street, where you will definitely not find him. Sit with him in the kitchen, talk in an adult way, explaining what smoking cigarettes can lead to. To illustrate, show the anti-smoking PSA video, then place several packs of cigarettes in front of him and order him, looking into your eyes, to start smoking one by one. Time yourself and adjust him so that he smokes cigarettes faster and faster. Already on the first or second cigarette, he coughs up from the smoke, and the cigarettes will disgust him.
Step 3
Be wise educators. Your punishment should really be remembered by the teenager. In the event that he does not fulfill his household chores or skips school, punish him with an unfulfilled dream. For example, he has long dreamed of a new game console, and you are already ready to buy it for him. Bring him to the store, show this thing, tell him that it is in the last copy, and then, saying that he did not deserve it, give him time to think and explain his guilt himself. Then set aside the allotted time to correct his behavior, and, evaluating his achieved results (finished quarter without triples, daily cleanliness in his room), encourage him to buy an even better version of a game console, which he did not even dare to dream of.