How To Make A Diet

How To Make A Diet
How To Make A Diet

Table of contents:


Drawing up a diet for children requires a special approach. It is necessary to take into account the child's age, his employment, developmental characteristics and health status. There are also general nutritional rules that contribute to the normal development of a young body.

How to make a diet
How to make a diet


Step 1

A healthy child's appetite is generally stable. Starting from birth, it is necessary to instill in the baby the correct attitude to the diet. Exact adherence to it has always contributed to the normal formation of appetite.

Step 2

The number of meals in the daytime should be certain, the child should rest at night. This rule does not apply to infants. It is better to feed your baby at certain times, without making the feeding process too long or too fast. Enough 30 minutes for the baby to have a normal lunch or breakfast.

Step 3

There should be enough food for the child to eat. As the baby grows, it is advisable to enrich his diet with new products, making the menu more varied.

Step 4

To avoid disturbing the baby's appetite, try to avoid negative emotions during feeding, the environment should be calm. If a son or daughter refuses to eat, do not force him or her to eat. Sometimes, one skipped meal leads to increased appetite. If he does not recover, in no case try to feed the child, under the influence of forceful methods, he may develop a persistent loss of appetite. It is better to find out the reason for the refusal to eat or contact your family doctor for help.

Step 5

When composing a diet, it is recommended to distribute the daily diet in such a way that protein-rich food gets into the child's stomach in the morning. It is better to cook something for dinner with vegetables, cottage cheese, potatoes or eggs. The diet is considered the most physiological for schoolchildren, when breakfast is served at about 8 a.m., lunch - at about 12 noon, afternoon tea - at 16.00, and dinner from 19 to 19.30. Small deviations from this meal time are possible. Better to avoid snacks in between.

Step 6

Since students go to school in two shifts, it is necessary to draw up their diet taking into account the time of classes. Care should be taken to ensure that children do not buy unhealthy foods, such as chips, Coca-Cola or hamburgers, and replace them with normal food. A healthy diet, coupled with a correct meal plan, is the basis for the normal development of a child.
