School is an important and crucial period in a child's life, full of not only interesting discoveries and new knowledge, but also difficulties. In order for a first grader to study easily and with pleasure, it is necessary to properly prepare him for the upcoming study.

books; - table games; - materials for creativity
Step 1
Start by mentally preparing your child. Don't fool him and tell him that school is a fun and exciting place. A future first grader should understand that he will face certain difficulties, overcoming which will bring him joy and increase his self-esteem. Your job is to help him cope with potential difficulties.
Step 2
Gradually approach the school routine. This should be done in stages: start by putting your child to bed and waking your child 20-30 minutes earlier than usual. Increase the time every 2-3 days until the desired mode is established.
Step 3
Let your child choose school supplies, clothing, and replacement shoes for themselves. You can only gently control and guide, but the responsibility for the final purchase will rest with your child. So he becomes even more aware of the beginning of a more important period in life, and also learns to make the first independent decisions.
Step 4
If your child has spent the entire summer in an active and carefree vacation, start preparing him for another type of activity. Your joint games should train perseverance, form the skill of repeating a certain action. You can play board games that require a long concentration of attention, draw the same drawing, sculpt according to a model. Read books about school life, for example, the works of Nikolai Nosov, Denis Dragunsky, Natalia Zabil.