What Is Women's Solidarity

What Is Women's Solidarity
What Is Women's Solidarity

The notorious women's solidarity has been controversial for a long time. And the most lively discussion of this topic is men. Some of them are sure that she really exists and that any woman is always ready to support another woman, out of pure principle, regardless of whether she is right or not. But there are also many men who grin condescendingly when they hear about female solidarity! The fair sex also has no consensus on this matter. So what is this mysterious phenomenon - female solidarity?

What is Women's Solidarity
What is Women's Solidarity

What behavior can be mistaken for female solidarity

A woman protects a woman; from a man's point of view, she behaves illogically. It's all about women's solidarity. Indeed, it is not uncommon for a woman to take the side of another woman in her conflict, a dispute with a man. Is this a consequence of the same notorious solidarity? Sometimes, yes. But it happens that the reason is completely different. Due to the noticeable psychological difference between the sexes, due to the different composition of hormones and the different upbringing of boys and girls, representatives of the same sex understand each other better than representatives of different genders. Therefore, a woman in 99% of cases, without any explanation, will understand what caused the position of another representative of the fairer sex, why she behaved this way and not otherwise. And a man often cannot understand this and is irritated, mistaking his partner's behavior for a whim or stubbornness. If the other woman takes her side, the man concludes that all the girls are at one with each other.

However, this is unfair, because a woman in such a dispute, a conflict can also support a man if she comes to the conclusion that he is right.

A woman, as a rule, is more emotional and vulnerable than a man. Therefore, she is always ready to sympathize with another woman who has problems, troubles (especially grief). Listen to her, hug her, calm her down, even cry with her. Can this be considered solidarity? Quite possible.

Although this can also be regarded as an ordinary human participation, kindness.

A woman will definitely help her friend fall in love with a man whom she sympathizes with. Starting with advice on choosing clothes, hairstyles and makeup, ending with an unobtrusive "nudge" of an indecisive gentleman.

Are women always in solidarity

Where personal interests clash, there is no female solidarity. In cases where a woman sees that another representative of the weaker sex can invade her personal territory, there can be no talk of any solidarity. Even the best friends, if they met an interesting man whom both of them like, become rivals. A representative of the stronger sex, in love with a woman, can "get out of the way" so as not to interfere with the happiness of a friend who is in love with her. For the weaker sex, such behavior is almost unrealistic. "Mine means mine!" - a woman observes this rule sacredly.
