The times when winter overalls for children were insulated only with fur and padding polyester have long been in the past. Today, along with natural materials (fur and down), high-quality synthetic insulation is widely used, such as artificial down Thinsulate, Holofiber, Fibertech, Polyfiber, Isosoft, Fiberskin. Moreover, synthetic fillers retain heat no worse than natural ones.

A couple of decades ago, in severe winter frosts, parents dressed babies in heavy mutton coats and hats and tied them up to their eyes with downy shawls or woolen shawls. Heavy layered clothing was uncomfortable and made it difficult for babies to move. Modern children have a simpler life, because in winter they go out for a walk in warm and light overalls that do not hinder their movements and allow them to freely ride down the hill, make snowballs and on the playground. But it becomes more and more difficult for parents to understand the variety of winter overalls, the assortment of which is becoming wider and more diverse.
Jumpsuits with fur
The warmest baby jumpsuit is a jumpsuit with natural fur. Most often, rabbit fur or sheepskin is used as insulation in such overalls. The overalls with fur are designed for very cold weather, if it is above -15 ° C outside, then the child will feel hot in it. Sheepskin makes the weight of the product heavier, therefore, such insulation is not suitable for active children. Fur products are more expensive than analogues and require special care.
Jumpsuits with natural down
Overalls with natural down (down jackets) retain heat as well as fur products. Eiderdown, goose, duck or swan down is used as insulation in such overalls, which does not make the product heavier, retains heat perfectly, but, unfortunately, for a long time, is an ideal breeding ground for ticks and can provoke allergies.
Jumpsuits with thinsulate - artificial down
The best artificial insulation for children's overalls is considered to be thinsulate artificial fluff, which has all the benefits of natural fluff, but does not cause allergies in children. This insulation consists of microscopic fibers 60 times thinner than a human hair. Each such hair is surrounded by an air cushion that perfectly retains heat. A warm jumpsuit on thinsulate is much cheaper than similar products on natural down.
Synthetic fiber overalls
Holofiber, Fibertech, Polyfiber, Isosoft, Fiberskin are synthetic fibers in the form of springs, balls or spirals, which, intertwining, help to retain heat. Due to their cellular structure, such materials are considered "breathable". Such heaters are slightly inferior to Tensulate in terms of their ability to retain heat, but they do not deform during washing and dry quickly. With a low thermal conductivity, they provide an optimal balance between price and quality.
Overalls on padding polyester
Sintepon is an outdated material that has more disadvantages than advantages. And even an improved (hollow) synthetic winterizer, the fibers of which are attached to each other with silicone needles, is inferior in terms of heat conservation to tinsulate or holofiber. After washing, such material loses up to half its thickness. The synthetic winterizer is not suitable for a cold winter.
Thus, the warmest overalls for children are insulated from natural fur, natural down or tinsulate artificial down. At temperatures above -15 ° C, a child in such overalls will be hot. Today, natural fillers have been replaced by warm and light synthetic materials such as holofiber, fibertech, polyfiber, isosoft and fiberskin, which are inexpensive and ideal for cold winters. The least appreciated are overalls on padding polyester, which after the first wash lose their thickness.