The name is given to a person at birth and even leaves its mark on the personality of the newborn. Whether it is true or not, it is not known for sure, but the fact that unusual names always arouse genuine interest in their owner is an indisputable fact.

Names are a tribute to ideology
In the old days, parents gave their child unpretentious names that directly reflected the essence of real events. The boy could be called Zhdan, Pervun, Second. In Soviet times, it was possible to come up with a name in a revolutionary way. In the USSR, Sparks, Oktyabrins, Lenins grew, the twins could be called Sickle and Hammer.
In addition, one could even find abbreviated names, for example, the courageous Pofistal (The winner of fascism Joseph Stalin), the incomprehensible Perkosrak (The first space rocket), the wonderful Revdit (Child of the Revolution) and even Dazdraperma, known to everyone for sure (Long live May First).
The name Dazdraperma is not that outdated.
Modern names that surprised the whole world
Now the fashion is a little different, but there are no less original and interesting names. The parents who gave their beloved son the name BOCh rVf 260602, which means "a biological object of a human of the Voronin-Frolov family," were very distinguished, the numbers are just the date of birth.
It is difficult to imagine how affectionately the parents of the child are called, but it is known that his dad also plans to take a similar name soon.
Also in Russia, babies with the names April, March, Moon, Cosmos, Lunalika, Wind grow and delight those around them - these are a kind of fresh natural names.
There are children who are named Fox and Dolphin, Kit, Mercury, Ocean. Some names draw a direct parallel to the divine origin of children, it is not for nothing that many mothers and fathers call their children angels: Angel Mary, Messiah, Jesus, Buddha-Alexander, Christamrirados.
No less popular are double and even triple names: Polina-Polina, Kasper Dear, Nikolay-Nikita-Nil, Matvey-Raduga, Monono Nikita, Summerset Ocean, Luka-Happiness, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Sofia-Solnyshko, Yaroslav-Lyutobor.
There is a wonderful family in which they try to give monarchical names to children: Tsar, King, Sovereign, Tsarina. An exception was made for the youngest daughter, she became the Favorite-Beauty-Clever. Older children, still called ordinary names, also plan to change them so as not to stand out from the rest.
Russia is not original in the matter of choosing a name for children, in some countries children are given a very long name, the longer, the happier the child will be, the parents are sure. Such cases are not uncommon in Spain and India. And in France there were four brothers named January and February, April and March. Their surname was also unusual - 1792.