People are constantly changing, there is a transformation of the body, character, habits. But these transformations are gradual, and if you are close, they are difficult to notice. But there are times when a person in a very short period becomes different, usually they are associated with responsibility, with the loss of loved ones or a rethinking of life.

Step 1
People have their own views on different things, their own priorities. But when faced with difficult circumstances, they can change. For example, the situation with the death of a loved one can greatly change character. After such an incident comes the understanding that life is finite, that the human body is very fragile. After such realizations, people begin to look differently at those who are nearby. This can serve as a more respectful attitude towards parents, life partner, children or friends.
Step 2
Getting married or having a child helps to quickly change attitudes towards life. There is a new responsibility for other people, the need to support not only oneself, but also the family and loved ones. In this case, it is possible to change earnings, a different approach to work and work, a new way to spend finances and allocate time. A person can move away from the old team, stop resting as before.
Step 3
A midlife crisis can change a person dramatically. For everyone, it happens in its own time, usually a rethinking of life occurs in the period from 27 to 40. A person begins to change his goals, more realistic approaches to planning, and summing up the life that has passed, he can decide to change everything. When a part of life is over, when the results are not impressive, and old plans have not been realized, I want to start all over again. This moment can be very important, because sometimes people do not just change their place of work, but move to other cities and countries, acquire new skills and go to things that were not relevant before.
Step 4
The impetus for change can be the example of another person. If someone next to him has made his life different, if he has achieved something important and meaningful, this can push the individual towards transformation. Sometimes even a book about success or an inspirational film can stimulate development. This is how many people start to engage in spiritual development, build a business, or change their profession. In this situation, a push is important, which helps to decide on something new.
Step 5
Changes can occur not only in thoughts, but also in the human body. Due to illness or lifestyle transformation, sometimes the appearance becomes completely different. An increase or decrease in body shape, the appearance or smoothing of wrinkles, an increase in gray hair or a change in hair color make the look new. A person makes some transformations himself, but something happens not by his will. In a few months, dramatic changes are possible.