How To Sleep With A Baby

How To Sleep With A Baby
How To Sleep With A Baby

When you have a baby, it is extremely rare to count on full, uninterrupted sleep. At the same time, lack of rest can make a young mother irritable, overly tired, and also negatively affect breastfeeding. There is only one way out: use various opportunities to get enough sleep with your baby.

Sleeping together is a great way to get enough sleep
Sleeping together is a great way to get enough sleep

Sharing sleep in the first months

Sleeping together is a common practice that causes a lot of controversy and conflicting opinions. Basically, this method is criticized because the baby gets used to sleeping with you, and later it will be quite difficult to put him in a crib. In this case, it is important not to miss this moment: let the baby sleep with you until 3-4 months, when he is exclusively breastfed, and then you will begin to relocate him. Sleeping together will help you get enough sleep, as your baby will feel your heartbeat and warmth and, as a result, will wake up less often.

Remember to keep your baby safe while sleeping together. Purchase special limiters-bumpers that will not allow the crumb to roll down, and you - to press it down in a dream.

To keep your baby as safe as possible, use a carrycot. You can put it in bed next to you, and after a few months move it further away, in a crib.

Practice naps

Take every opportunity to sleep, even if it's just a short time. Sleep during the day when your baby sleeps, for at least one of the periods. Free yourself from business by this time. Even if you are not used to sleeping during the day, it will soon become a habit and will give you a feeling of rest and relaxation. As a rule, at this time you will be alone at home, and no one will bother you. However, try to wake up before sunset to avoid headaches and insomnia.

Learn a popular meditation technique called yoga nidra. Even 15 minutes of this practice is equal to 4 hours of full sleep and helps to significantly restore the entire body.

A sound baby sleep is your rest

In order for the mother to get enough sleep, the baby himself must sleep well. If the child is healthy, his sound and long sleep depends on the parents.

First of all, you need to enter the mode. Put the baby in both daytime and nighttime sleep at the same time, with a difference of no more than 10 minutes. Have your own bedtime ritual: bathing, light stroking, feeding, certain music, or a lullaby. In a few weeks, the baby will get used to the regime and will go to bed without additional efforts. Try to follow this routine yourself, and then the lack of sleep will be felt less dramatically.

A few minutes before going to bed, spray mist with lavender essential oil in the nursery: this fragrance will contribute to a more comfortable sleep for both mother and baby.

Before bed, try to tire the baby as much as possible, but not overexcite. Chat with him, sing songs to him, give him a light massage, walk, bathe - there can be many options. Try to make him occupy himself on his own: this way you will free up more time for your own affairs, so that you can then sleep with your child.
