If The Husband Is Constantly Screaming

If The Husband Is Constantly Screaming
If The Husband Is Constantly Screaming

The husband constantly insults and yells at you, and most often excuses himself by being tired at work. But such behavior of the husband in the family is not permissible. How to behave during such attacks of aggression? How to make him understand that such a thing cannot be allowed to oneself?

If the husband is constantly screaming
If the husband is constantly screaming

Very often people allow themselves to take out their bad mood on close people. At the same time, they can restrain themselves in communicating with strangers. This is due to the fact that strangers will not tolerate such antics, and loved ones have nowhere to go. But why does a person who previously did not allow himself to be rude and shouting now behaves like this? This question must be answered. What changed? It can be assumed that a woman is afraid of her husband's aggression and is afraid to resist him, and does not freely allow him to behave this way. There is a category of people who like to feel their superiority, they get pleasure from the fact that they scare others. If this is the case, then the situation can be changed with outbursts of anger.

The fact is that an adult cannot be influenced in order to change him. But your attitude to his behavior is quite possible. At a time when your husband is in a bad mood and he wants to take it out on you, your task is to prevent this. In practice, it should look like this: you will have to surprise him with your atypical reaction. Be patient and tell in a calm voice that he is now rude to you and it is not pleasant. It's so unpleasant that you hate it. Therefore, you earnestly ask him not to allow this anymore, otherwise you will be forced to … And then say the actual penalty (for example, I will not talk to you, and so on). Without listening to comments, immediately go into the room and go about your business. And when he turns to you, continue to communicate with him as if nothing happened.

When your husband again allows himself to scream and scream, you will need to repeat everything all over again and fulfill the promised penalty so that he understands the seriousness of your intentions.
