Jealousy in small doses, of course, is pleasant, piquant, and sharpens in love relationships. But if a woman is jealous of her chosen one for and without reason, and even with scandals, this can become a stumbling block, which eventually risks even "burying" the relationship. What should a man do if his lady of the heart turned out to be too jealous?

- Try not even jokingly to provoke an attack of jealousy if you value your woman and know this weakness behind her. Do not play on her feelings and do not flirt in front of her eyes with other ladies. Be kind, but restrained, at least in her presence.
- Compliment her more often, increase her self-esteem, pay attention. She is jealous because she is not quite confident in herself, she is afraid of competition, she is afraid of losing you. You can find the right words to calm and cheer up your jealous friend.
- Keep in mind that your woman can make a scene supposedly out of jealousy, not only because she is really jealous, but because of a lack of attention and … adrenaline. She just sometimes needs a hormonal and emotional shake-up, and the woman is thus trying to drag you into the "storm zone". The classic scheme: a violent quarrel - an equally violent reconciliation with excellent sex in the end.
- Don't fall for questions about your previous romances. Be on the alert: any details from your former relationship can be used against you later. So do not satisfy the excessive curiosity of your lady.
- If you are annoyed by your girlfriend's excessive jealousy and your arguments no longer help, there are two ways out: either persuade her to turn to a psychologist for qualified help, or, sadly, end a relationship that does not please both of you.