How To Convince Him To Quit Smoking

How To Convince Him To Quit Smoking
How To Convince Him To Quit Smoking

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Smoking harms the body and can lead to heart and lung disease, even cancer. In addition, other people also suffer from smoking - scientists consider secondhand smoke to be even more harmful than usual. So if your life partner smokes, then you should definitely try to convince him to quit this bad habit.

How to convince him to quit smoking
How to convince him to quit smoking


Step 1

The first way can influence a responsible person, you can play on this feeling. Explain to him how unpleasant it is for you and how harmful it is for the others living with him in the same room. This is especially true if you have children who are at risk from smoking it.

Step 2

If a career, achievements at work and in life are important for him, then the following argument can help: if a person quits smoking, then the blood begins to bring much more oxygen to the organs, including the brain. Accordingly, a non-smoker is smarter than a smoker, he thinks faster and remembers information better. So giving up a bad habit can help a person move up the career ladder. In addition, many companies discourage smoking.

Step 3

It is easy enough to convince a person who leads an active lifestyle to quit smoking. A smoker is less hardy, he develops shortness of breath. So if you take a closer look at these aspects, in relation to his favorite sport or recreation, and explain to a man how much smoking interferes with him, then you can count on a very good result.

Step 4

Photos of a smoker's lungs, a list of diseases that smoking can cause, and medical statistics of diseases of smokers can seriously scare a smoker and make him think about the dangers of smoking. In this case, the most important thing is not to display images from sources that are not credible. Your best bet is to find articles on the dangers of smoking on major medical resources or provide examples from sources that your man trusts. Almost all newspapers periodically publish articles on health, and they show relevant programs on television. The main thing is that he cannot say that all this is a lie, and creepy photos are simply used to attract attention.

Step 5

Another way to influence a smoker is to prove to him that cigarettes significantly impair his appearance. Unfortunately, this method is only effective if you hit the bull's-eye and the man is really concerned about his appearance. This is usually true for people who have a so-called midlife crisis. In this case, a man is able to show remarkable willpower and overcome his addiction.

Step 6

Sometimes it happens that a person himself realizes the need to quit smoking, but cannot find the strength to take this step. Days that are similar to one another, daily habits, rituals, smoke breaks with colleagues - all this does not give him the opportunity to change his life. It means you need to help him. You have to place it in a completely different environment for a while, for this it is perfect to relax outside the home during a vacation. First, discuss the vacation - you need it to be something that he really likes and will make your man joy and enthusiasm. It doesn't matter what it will be - a trip to the sea to learn windsurfing or diving, a kayak trip along the taiga rivers. Most importantly, he must look forward to his vacation and count the days until it. Then, when less than a week is left until the desired moment, give him the idea to try to quit smoking, since everything is so successful. In most cases, this method works, since a happy, enthusiastic person himself is prone to positive changes.
