How To Start Planning Your Child

How To Start Planning Your Child
How To Start Planning Your Child

Pregnancy is a very important step. Experts are convinced that you need to prepare for pregnancy in advance. At the same time, not only a woman, but also a man should pass all the necessary tests and change the way of life.

How to start planning your child
How to start planning your child

How to start planning a pregnancy

For a healthy baby to be born, pregnancy must be carefully planned. Planning a pregnancy significantly increases the chances of its successful outcome and the birth of a strong baby.

If the couple is already ripe for the birth of a child, they need to analyze their lifestyle. If you have bad habits, you should give them up a few months before the intended conception. Addiction to smoking, alcohol does not have the best effect on reproductive function and increases the risk of having a sick child.

Family planning is impossible without referring to specialists. This must be done at least 3 months before the expected pregnancy. In some cases, doctors suggest getting vaccinated, after which the baby cannot be planned for another 3 months.

Most often, experts advise a woman to drink a course of vitamins before pregnancy. Folic acid, for example, is recommended to start taking 3 months before conception. This will significantly reduce the risk of various diseases of the nervous system in a child.

Currently, there are many family planning and reproduction centers where a couple can undergo a complete examination. A woman can also go to her gynecologist for an examination. After the conversation and examination, the doctor will tell the patient exactly what tests she and her spouse will need to take, and where it can be done.

List of tests required for delivery when planning a pregnancy

Currently, there is a certain list of tests, without which it is not recommended to plan a pregnancy. First of all, this concerns blood tests for herpes, cytomegalovirus, as well as the presence of antibodies to rubella and toxoplasmosis. It is also necessary to pass tests for chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and gardnerellosis. A man must be checked for sexually transmitted diseases.

If the test results are unsatisfactory, then first you need to cure the identified diseases, and then plan your pregnancy. In the absence of antibodies to rubella, toxoplasmosis, doctors advise women to get vaccinated. These diseases are very dangerous for pregnant women. After vaccination, the woman develops immunity to these diseases, and after 3 months the couple will be able to conceive a child.

When planning a pregnancy, the compatibility of the spouses on the Rh factor is very important. If a specialist discovers a Rh-conflict, he will suggest that the woman first undergo special therapy, and only then become pregnant.

In the event that a couple has any problems with conception, the specialist may prescribe additional tests. A man will need to be sure to donate sperm for analysis. A woman, as a rule, is given directions to visit an endocrinologist, a therapist, and is also recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
