When there are two strips on the test, and it is clear that the woman is expecting a baby, it’s time to think - should I go to the hospital? Visiting a polyclinic is a rather complicated matter, you need to take a coupon, undergo an examination, get tested, and then go for the results. But doctors say that these procedures are necessary. Observation by a gynecologist allows you to protect your life and health.

Pregnancy is a complex process, as a result of which the body of the expectant mother endures heavy loads. In this case, there are cases when the birth of a child is contraindicated. And early diagnosis will help you know about it in advance. For example, an ectopic pregnancy is a threat to the mother's life, and it cannot be determined without a specialist examination.
Why go to the doctor?
A visit to a gynecologist allows you to correctly assess the health of the mother and child. First, they take tests that speak about the woman's health. They show the presence of inflammation, infections, and identify signs that may threaten pregnancy. The first time it is better to see a doctor before the 12th week of pregnancy. At the first examination, the gynecologist will establish the timing of conception, and therefore the time of birth of the baby.
If everything is in order with the mother, routine monitoring of the child's development begins. Modern medicine allows even in the womb to see how the development of the embryo is going. For 9 months, at least three ultrasounds will be prescribed, where you can see the baby, hear his heartbeat, and the doctor will assess how various organs are developing. If you do not attend such procedures, you can miss the moment when something goes wrong. Routine observation is safe and highly effective.
The gynecologist will definitely send the expectant mother for tests to identify malformations in the child. Today, such research is necessary for every woman. Early diagnosis detects genetic diseases such as Down's disease. At the same time, it is important to do these tests in the initial stages in order to be able to decide on the birth of a baby.
The gynecologist can also determine the threat of miscarriage. According to the state of the cervix, it is clear how the gestation period goes. If necessary, the pregnant woman is sent "for preservation" to special medical institutions, where, under the supervision of doctors, pregnancy is smoother, the threat of fetal loss is reduced. Special procedures facilitate the passage of the period, help prepare for childbirth.
Frequency of doctor visits
Each doctor schedules visits individually. Usually, up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, one observation per month is sufficient, if there are no abnormalities. Then the meetings become more frequent to one every three weeks. And before giving birth, you need to come for an examination once a week. Additionally, you will have to attend an ultrasound scan, as well as take tests.
If a woman first seeks a doctor for up to 10 weeks, then she will receive a monetary reward. It is paid at the birth of a child, is not large, but allows the baby to buy something.