How Is The Examination Of Infants By An Ophthalmologist

How Is The Examination Of Infants By An Ophthalmologist
How Is The Examination Of Infants By An Ophthalmologist

Usually, all medical institutions scare the parents of babies. They are worried about how the baby will react to the examination, what exactly the doctor will do with the child. How is the examination of the ophthalmologist going?

How is the examination of infants by an ophthalmologist
How is the examination of infants by an ophthalmologist

On the need for an early visit to the ophthalmologist

The first visit to this specialist should be made as soon as the baby is 1 month old.

The very first examination of the crumbs by an ophthalmologist takes place in the hospital.

The fact is that all children are born with hyperopia. Over time, vision returns to normal, but this process requires monitoring by a doctor so as not to lose sight of any serious impairments.

Many defects found in an infant at the first examination, such as increased lacrimation, are very easy to heal in the shortest possible time. And some serious illnesses, such as cataracts or strabismus, can also be treated with surgery in the first months of a baby's life.

How is the examination of the ophthalmologist

During the first year of a baby's life, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist three times: in 1 month, in six months and in a year.

At the appointment, the doctor, using special devices, will examine the fundus of the crumbs in order to exclude increased pressure or inflammation of the posterior part of the vascular tract. Visually assess the condition of the child's lacrimal canals. Often, infants have increased tearing. Dealing with this problem is not difficult. The optometrist will teach the mother how to perform a special acupressure of the lacrimal sacs, and soon after the start of treatment, improvements will be noticeable.

Many babies under the age of 3 months have functional strabismus. In this case, one or both eyes look in different directions. However, by 3 months everything should be back to normal. If this does not happen, conservative treatment is necessary first, and according to its results, surgery may also be required. But only an ophthalmologist can determine where the norm is and where the pathology is. At the same time, it is enough for him to look at the child and communicate with his parents.

An ophthalmologist's examination is a painless procedure for a baby that takes very little time. But it is extremely important in order to diagnose vision problems in a timely manner.

Often, vision pathologies in a baby are associated with pathologies of the central nervous system. Therefore, to eliminate them, consultations of an ophthalmologist and a neurologist are necessary.

Reasons for an unscheduled visit to the optometrist

In case of redness of the eyelids, increased lacrimation or the appearance of barley, the child must be examined by an ophthalmologist. Take your baby to the doctor if he cannot open his eyes. The reason for concern should be the fact that the baby at the age of 2 months does not follow moving objects, or follows by turning the head, and not by eye movements. Go to the hospital immediately if a foreign object gets into the baby's eye.
