28 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

28 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
28 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

The 28th week of pregnancy is a milestone in the life of the expectant mother, and in the process of embryo development. During this period, it is important to follow certain rules in order to avoid premature birth and pregnancy complications.

28 weeks
28 weeks

The pregnancy calendar says that week 28 is the final week in the second trimester. Pleasant changes in the life of the expectant mother are associated with this border - she goes on maternity leave. It is at this stage that significant changes occur in the fetus - muscle tissue begins to grow actively. But there are also unpleasant moments associated with this period - most of all cases of pregnancy fading and premature birth occur during this period. Such complications can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of the gynecologist who observes the pregnancy and follow other common, generally accepted rules of conduct at this time.

Features of fetal development at 28 weeks

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby's body and its internal organs are already practically formed, and active growth of muscle tissue begins. This means that the baby will gain its main weight, with which it will be born and begin its life. In addition, other equally important processes are taking place:

The formation of the reproductive organs begins - the testicles, Eyes begin to react to bright light from outside, Nails grow on the fingers, Some babies begin to grow hair on the head, Subcutaneous fat is deposited, · The first grooves appear in the structure of the brain.

In addition, at 28 weeks, the baby begins to actively develop the organs of hearing, and he likes to listen to music, his mother's and father's voices, he learns to recognize them. Many pediatricians believe that it is at this time that an ear for music and taste is laid, a strong bond is formed between the baby and the parents.

The weight of the baby, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, during this period already exceeds 1 kg, and his height can reach 35-38 cm, and he has little room in his mother's stomach. Trying to turn, move the legs and arms, the child can hurt the mother, but these sensations are indescribable.

External changes in a pregnant woman at 28 weeks

At this time, the expectant mother should carefully listen to her feelings and carefully monitor the changes in her body. By the time of day the child is active, one can predict his character, and this is not a popular omen, but the observations of medical specialists. A kid who prefers to move and turn over during the day will be calm. Children who kick their mother at night are born agile and active.

By the external changes of the pregnant woman, you can track the condition of the fetus, predict the risk of premature birth. Gynecologists consider alarming signals at this time

A sharp increase in weight, Change in taste preferences, Decreased activity, weakness, Constant irritability, Deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails, The presence of severe shortness of breath with minimal exertion,

· Not leaving feeling of thirst.

Most women look great during this period of pregnancy. This can be achieved through careful selection of the diet, appetite control, long walks in the fresh air. You need to visit a gynecologist at a later date regularly, and during examinations describe all your feelings, point out even minor external changes.

Well-being of the expectant mother - the norm and deviations

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman should pay attention to any physical ailment, psychological nuances of her character, external changes and internal sensations, no matter how insignificant they may seem. At this time, pregnancy can freeze, and this can be prevented only by regularly visiting a doctor.

The abdomen and breasts of a pregnant woman at 28 weeks begin to enlarge, which can provoke stretch marks. This can be prevented by using emollient creams with a neutral composition, free of harmful chemical ingredients and plant components that can cause allergies.

The rapid growth of the fetus and the enlargement of the uterus can provoke pain in the lumbar region. If the pain intensifies, and from periodic to permanent, you should immediately consult a doctor. Severe pain in any part of the body should be alarming, since pregnancy can provoke the development of thrombosis.

At 28 weeks, most pregnant women develop edema. Recommendations for their elimination and prevention can only be given by a doctor, but not by a neighbor, relative or friend. In no case should you use dubious drugs or folk remedies.

This period is characterized by the appearance of training fights. Thus, the woman's body prepares for childbirth. The norm of training fights is no more than a few seconds, the symptoms are not painful, barely perceptible. If the state of health deteriorates significantly during the training fights, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

What you need to fear at the 28th week of pregnancy

At this time, the second ends and the third, last trimester of pregnancy begins. Most mothers by this period already have a significant increase in weight and continue to gain weight, become clumsy and clumsy. It is important to be very careful, try not to get injured, not plan any serious business that requires increased concentration of attention and instant reaction.

Medical experts at the 28th week of pregnancy recommend fear of problems such as

Lack of water, Premature birth, · Mother's anemia.

Low water (lack of amniotic fluid) develops against the background of metabolic disorders in the mother's body, infectious diseases, due to delayed fetal development. Symptoms of oligohydramnios are leakage of amniotic fluid, pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Premature birth can be triggered by the anatomical features of the structure of the woman's uterus, imbalance in the production of hormones, multiple pregnancy, preeclampsia (late toxicosis), a sharp increase in the tone of the uterus. The risk of premature birth can be prevented by immediately seeking medical attention when symptoms such as bleeding, severe abdominal pain, dizziness or fainting appear, or muscle weakness.

Recommendations for week 28

To exclude the development of complications at 28 weeks is the main task of a pregnant woman, a gynecologist and obstetrician who are observing her. The expectant mother must strictly adhere to the following rules:

Monitor blood pressure daily, Keep the whole body, and especially the genitals clean, Monitor the intensity of fetal movement and, in case of any deviation, consult a doctor, Prevent colds and infectious diseases, if the temperature rises, immediately call a doctor, · Eat properly and regularly, do not adhere to hungry diets, but also do not overeat.

The situation should be controlled not only by the pregnant woman, but also by her relatives. Their task is to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the house, not to provoke stressful situations, not to expose the expectant mother to danger, not to allow her to do hard work around the house, in the garden or in the garden. But this does not mean that a woman should constantly lie down, it is necessary to show moderate activity. In addition, it is important to ensure her environmental safety - to take the pregnant woman out of town, to organize her leisure time in such a way that it is useful and interesting. The emotional background has a great influence not only on the health of the woman, but also on the intrauterine development of the baby, becomes the basis for his health, intelligence and character.
