14 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

14 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
14 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

The 14th week of pregnancy means that the second trimester has already arrived. The expectant mother is changing more and more in her figure, and the baby inside her develops and grows every day. He is barely over 10 cm tall and weighs about 25 g.

14 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development
14 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development

What's going on with mom

At the beginning of the second trimester, the abdomen is noticeably rounded, rising higher and higher. The center of gravity of the body gradually shifts. The back begins to tilt back slightly, and the lumbar deflection increases to balance the increase in mass in the abdominal region. All this can affect gait, which will soon become like a duck step.

The chest has noticeably grown. From the nipples, translucent yellowish drops are occasionally allocated. Thus, the mammary glands are trained to produce colostrum, which the baby will eat in the first days after birth. Weight gain by the onset of the fourteenth week is about 400 g. In addition, some unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • gums begin to bleed;
  • teeth become more sensitive and brittle;
  • hair may fall off when combing, strands become dry and split ends;
  • slight obesity may appear.

It is quite possible to get rid of all this if you consult a doctor in time. The specialist will help you adjust your diet, prescribe vitamins and advise on the right toothpaste and shampoo.

By the beginning of the 14th week of pregnancy, most women stop toxicosis, although food quirks persist. Often there is a desire to try a new dish or even eat something that was previously disgusting. Some odors can also be unpleasant. At the same time, the psyche gradually stabilizes, strength and endurance return. Now the woman is no longer as sleepy and absent-minded as in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Possible complications

Due to the increasing load on the back, intense pain may appear when changing body position. Headaches, light intolerance and loud sounds are also common. White or clear, odorless vaginal discharge is periodically observed. All this applies to the norm, although it is better to talk about all the phenomena to the attending physician.

Alert should be a change in the color and consistency of secretions, the appearance of an unpleasant odor. These can be symptoms of the development of thrush and other unpleasant diseases. If there is a discharge with blood impurities, accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a risk of miscarriage. It can also be signs of cervical erosion. In some cases, the dead fetus remains in the uterus, which in medicine is called a "frozen pregnancy" and requires surgery.

If there are large formations on the body, on the external genitals or at the anus - moles, papillomas or warts, they should be removed so that they do not cause discomfort in the future. The clinic will advise you on safe ways to carry out this procedure. In addition, it is important to avoid anemia (anemia), since poor circulation can cause placental insufficiency and various problems associated with the development of the fetus.

What happens to the child

The baby's organs and systems are actively growing and developing. On the already formed face, various grimaces appear, while the fetal head circumference is about 28 mm. The fetus is located in the amniotic fluid and freely moves the limbs, pushing off the surrounding walls. His ribcage rises and falls evenly. Also, the following phenomena are characteristic of this period:

  • baby's skin is covered with a special moisture-repellent lubricant;
  • the child's blood already has a certain Rh factor, although its biochemical composition is not yet complete;
  • the muscles of the neck became stronger;
  • the baby gradually begins to distinguish sounds from the outside.

An interesting fact about the child's current development is that his blood begins to absorb hormones from the mother's body. Therefore, if the mother is happy or worried, the heart of the fetus begins to beat faster. In addition, the following happens in the child's body:

  • sweat glands are formed;
  • the spinal cord begins to receive signals;
  • the bones are lengthened;
  • the fluff on the head coarsens, which will soon turn into hair;
  • the ears take on their final shape.

Doctor's observations and recommendations

Usually, by the 14th week of pregnancy, all initial examinations are already performed earlier, therefore, only if necessary, the doctor can prescribe an extraordinary ultrasound scan, as well as give a referral for general tests. It is worth to be patient: after a few weeks, you will be able to find out the sex of the child on an ultrasound examination.

During this period, you should visit narrowly focused specialists if there are pronounced problems with the body. For example, a dermatologist will relieve allergies and skin problems, a gastroenterologist will help fight food poisoning and late toxicosis, and a therapist will tell you how to properly treat colds, coughs and headaches, prescribe wearing a special back brace.

The most important thing now is to normalize nutrition by switching to protein-rich foods. Be sure to dilute your diet with lean meats, fish, and legumes. Prunes, dried apricots and dairy products will help solve the problem of constipation. Drink plenty of bottled water, but avoid canned foods, smoked meats, and sweets. It is advisable to steam the food. It is best to divide your daily diet into several small portions, some of which you can take with you. Eating too much can cause unpleasant heartburn.

Never use alcohol and nicotine, even in small quantities. Also go for shoes with a low platform. It is advisable to start doing gymnastics for pregnant women, attend special yoga and fitness classes, and go to the pool. Together with the child's father, you can attend parenting courses. At the same time, sexual life is not yet prohibited and is even a useful stimulant for a child developing in the uterus.

It is better to resolve work issues in advance: your management may already start looking for a possible replacement for the time of future maternity leave. If you are driving, start with a pillow under your lower back and, if possible, use special belts for pregnant women. You can slowly learn a special sleep, getting used to falling asleep on your back, as well as pinching one pillow between your legs, and placing the other under your lower back. Be careful and avoid drafts.
