15 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

15 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
15 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

Week 15 is the second trimester of pregnancy. Now a pregnant woman is experiencing the most favorable time of her entire pregnancy. The woman's appearance gradually begins to change, and the hormonal background stabilizes.

15 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development
15 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development

How does the fetus develop at 15 weeks of gestation?

By obstetric standards, a baby in the womb is no longer an embryo, but a full-fledged fetus. Now its development is going quite rapidly. On an ultrasound examination, you can easily distinguish parts of the body of such a small person. The baby's skin has a reddish tint. The skin is still quite transparent and thin, and a specialist can easily see the internal organs and blood vessels through it. The baby is only 10 cm tall and weighs an average of 70 grams. A child can be compared to the fruit of a pear.

The corpus luteum, which previously functioned, has now disappeared. Instead, all life support functions were taken over by the placenta. A child's heart is already capable of overtaking 24 liters of blood per day. The bone marrow is already fully responsible for hematopoiesis.

Already at that time, parents can find out the gender of their unborn child. If this is a boy, then he is already independently capable of producing the hormone testosterone. In girls, unlike boys, hormones will begin to be released a little later.

15 obstetric weeks means 13 weeks have passed since conception. So the fetus is only 3 months old. At this time, the child forms convolutions and the entire structure of the brain is formed.

In addition to all of the above, the child has the following changes this week:

  1. The eyes of a child, despite the fact that they are still tightly closed for centuries, are capable of reacting to light.
  2. The formation of lanugo is enhanced. The hairs are found all over the body, but they become thicker in the place of the eyebrows and scalp.
  3. The child is already able to pick up sounds with his auricles.
  4. The fetus, when it is in a state of wakefulness, is actively moving. If you look at him through an ultrasound machine, you can see how the baby actively moves his arms and even wiggles his fingers.
  5. Now the child is actively developing bone tissue. That is why it is so important for the expectant mother to consume calcium-containing foods now.
  6. The gallbladder is already producing bile. And the kidneys of the baby are able to carry out the process of urination. The urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid that surrounds the embryo.

A baby at 15 weeks of gestation already looks more and more human-like. The body grows in size. The proportions are becoming more and more correct. The legs of the fetus become longer than the arms. The size of the child is still small in relation to the increasing size of the uterus and he can freely position himself in a position that is comfortable for him.

How does a woman's appearance change at 15 weeks of gestation?

The woman begins to pay attention to her belly, which at the 13th embryonic week becomes already slightly noticeable. If the expectant mother had curvaceous forms, then now the pregnancy may not be too noticeable. If the pregnant woman was thin, then the belly will already be noticeable and you will have to go through your wardrobe in search of freer things.

The woman's breasts are still swollen and enlarged by one size or more. Its sensitivity is also quite high. Many women swap out regular bras for more comfortable maternity lingerie or seamless tops.

15 weeks is the time when, unfortunately, many women develop stretch marks or striae. They form most often in the chest, abdomen, or buttocks. But there are cases when stretch marks formed on the thighs and even on the lower legs. Unfortunately, with the formation of stretch marks, they cannot be removed by anything. Oils and various kinds of creams can simply moisturize the skin. Do not expect a super effect from them. The elasticity of the skin of the expectant mother depends on genetics.

The woman begins to gain weight at 15 weeks. This week it can increase by 500 grams. And in general, the increase in a pregnant woman can be up to 4.5 kg. If the expectant mother is expecting twins or twins, then the weight may increase by a slightly higher rate.

Body pigmentation in the area of the nipple areola and the vertical dark line of the abdomen may increase slightly.

A woman's hair falls out less. You can see how the quality of the hairline has increased. The same can be said for the skin. She still looks shiny, velvety, smooth and perfect. This condition is considered normal and will continue throughout the pregnancy.

What does the expectant mother feel at the 15th week of pregnancy?

In addition to the growing tummy, the expectant mother has a desire to quickly feel how the child will start pushing inside. Both slender, as well as especially sensitive women at 15 weeks of age can already define these tremors as light, like a tickling sensation from the inside. If now there are no such feelings, then you should not despair. Very soon, the expectant mother will begin to feel the stirring to the full. And later it will become habitual for a woman to understand the position of the baby inside the abdomen by the jolts.

Now a woman should feel the following changes in her body:

  1. Toxicosis has decreased or completely disappeared.
  2. Most women excrete colostrum from their breasts.
  3. Sometimes physiological nasal congestion may appear, associated with an increase in the amount of blood in the body.
  4. The feeling of anxiety and nervous tension is already over. Although a woman can still feel mood swings.

From the moment of conception, according to the calendar, 3 months have already passed and for a woman this is the most favorable time for the entire pregnancy. An unstable state with pronounced toxicosis is already behind us, and the feeling that you are as big as an elephant is still ahead. A woman just needs to wait for the onset of 22 weeks and the second screening. And also monitor your daily routine and well-being.

If suddenly there are abdominal pains or a sharp severity, which was not previously there, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Such sensations may indicate uterine hypertonicity. If it is not stopped in time, then negative consequences can occur, including spontaneous abortion.

The risk group for the occurrence of uterine hypertonicity includes the following categories of women:

  1. A pregnant woman who is under 18 or over 35 years old.
  2. Women who have had one or more abortions in the past.
  3. Women with underdeveloped genitals.
  4. Pregnant women who lead the wrong lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, etc.).
  5. Pregnant women whose work involves harmful chemicals.
  6. Women in whose family there are frequent conflicts and constant stress.
  7. Women with inflammatory gynecological diseases.

Medical advice at 15 weeks pregnant

Week 15 is a period when the main component of the tests has already been passed and a re-delivery is not required. A woman should still look at her map. If there are no tests for this period, then they must be passed in the near future. If all the tests are passed, then you should not relax. Now it is important to start a preventive examination with specialists such as:

  1. Oculist.
  2. Dentist.
  3. Therapist.
  4. Otolaryngologist.
  5. Cardiologist.
  6. Infectionist.

You should not neglect a visit. After all, every doctor must check whether a woman can give birth on her own, or there are indications for a cesarean section. In the dentist's office, a woman should sanitize the entire oral cavity. If the doctor finds caries, then he will have to put a filling. If all teeth are not cured during pregnancy, you may later be left without one or more teeth.
