The period of breastfeeding is one of the most important in the life of a young mother and baby. It is tolerated in different ways by women: some suffer because they constantly have to monitor their diet, while others, on the contrary, do not adhere to any diet. Who is right?

Step 1
Myth # 1: A nursing mother simply has to eat a lot of food, otherwise milk will not arrive. In fact, all the calories needed to make breast milk nutritious and adequate is in a woman's body. The secret of nature lies in the fact that a pregnant woman is gaining extra pounds in such a way as to create some fat reserves, which will be quite enough for the period of lactation. Usually these "bins" are located in the waist, hips and forearms. After childbirth, the female body begins to actively use these reserves to make milk as nutritious as possible for the baby. Therefore, regardless of how much the newly-made mother ate, milk will be produced in sufficient quantities. By 6-9 months, the child depletes these reserves, and the mother begins to feed the baby with other foods.
Step 2
Myth # 2: The diet of a nursing mother should definitely include milk and its derivatives. In fact, the amount of breast milk does not change with such a diet, because cows and goats feed their young without consuming milk. A reasonable approach should be followed in everything - mom should eat dairy products at will, without forcing herself.
Step 3
Myth number 3: Before the upcoming feeding, you must drink a mug of tea with milk or other drink. In fact, there is no direct relationship between the liquid drunk and the increase in lactation. Just listen to your own body and quench your thirst as it rises. Tea with milk (especially condensed) is not the best option for a nursing mother, milk can cause allergies in a newborn.
Step 4
Myth No. 4: Mom cannot eat red vegetables and fruits - the child will develop allergic reactions. Each person is individual, including a small child, these products are not always allergens for him. After a month of age, the mother can carefully begin to eat a small amount of such foods, carefully observing the baby's reaction.
Step 5
Myth number 5: In the first months after childbirth, you can not eat fried and fresh (everything is only stewed and boiled). Rather, it is a diet for a mother who suffers from diseases of the digestive system. If you calmly ate fried before, then the child is not in danger.