Carrying a baby in the summer is much more pleasant and easier than at any other time of the year - no autumn depression, winter colds and slippery paths, no spring beriberi. However, this generally wonderful time of the year also has its own hidden dangers that the expectant mother should be aware of.

Fight hypoxia
Oxygen is vital for all cells of a growing organism, but first of all for the baby's brain. Indeed, thanks to oxygen, the cells of the crumbs breathe and provide themselves with energy for further division, which means for its growth and development, for the formation of internal organs. The problem is that during the warm season, the oxygen content in the atmosphere decreases. This means that the risk of oxygen starvation of the baby increases - intrauterine fetal hypoxia.
- Drink oxygen cocktails and oxygenated mineral water.
- If approved by your attending gynecologist, carry a can of oxygen with you. Use it when you feel that it becomes difficult to breathe or the baby is pushing more actively than usual. If such a case occurs, be sure to contact the doctor of the antenatal clinic.
- Try to spend hot days outside the city, because at such moments the concentration of harmful substances in the air increases - you don't need to breathe them!
- Take an air bath every day: walk at home without clothes for at least 15-20 minutes - let your skin breathe. After all, this is a large organ of your body. Let the blood be saturated with oxygen through its pores and carry it to the child.
- Walk in the fresh air in the morning for at least 1-1.5 hours, when the air has not yet warmed up and has not become suffocating.
Ice massage
In the summer, to "revive" tired legs, relieving them of pain, heaviness and swelling, wipe them with pieces of ice with mint infusion.
- Sit comfortably with your leg pulled up or on a bench.
- Do not take years with bare fingers - it melts quickly. Wrap it in a napkin, leaving only the work surface free. Stroke the skin, drive it straight (from top to bottom), clockwise, and in a zigzag motion.
- Treat the foot, lower leg and thigh, first of one, then the other leg, giving each zone for 2-4 minutes. No matter how much the veins love the cold, they cannot be cooled for more than 5 minutes, otherwise there will be a persistent narrowing of the saphenous veins.