37 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

37 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
37 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby is already considered full-term, and the mother should be ready for childbirth, which may begin in the near future. The weight of the child by this time is about 2.9 kg, and the height reaches 50 cm.

37 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development
37 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development

What a woman feels

At the thirty-seventh week, the expectant mother expects the start of labor. The maximum gestation period can reach 40-42 weeks (within the normal range), but now the woman's body and the child himself are completely ready for the upcoming procedure. By this time, the cervix has already matured, and its length is about 1 cm. Further development of events depends on the activity of the woman's hormones, which should send the cervix a signal for maximum disclosure.

Small changes may occur to a woman's appearance. Awkwardness in movements is still present, however, the weight usually decreases, which again indicates the preparation of the body for childbirth. The skin on the abdomen is very stretched, which can cause itching, and the navel often protrudes outward. In some women, a dark streak appears here, but after childbirth, the skin tone evens out.

At the 37th week, the expectant mother may experience the following phenomena:

  • difficulty in digestion;
  • loose stools;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the fingers and toes (you will have to remove the rings and switch to loose shoes).

All this is a common reaction of the body to a sedentary lifestyle, an excess of salt in the diet, and a heavy load on the kidneys. Vaginal discharge in the current week may become thinner and more intense. If they begin to become completely transparent and abundant, it is better to conduct a special pharmacy test for water leakage. If the symptom is confirmed, it is better to call an ambulance as soon as possible and go to the hospital: labor will begin any day.

Colorless mucus with yellowish or pink blotches can be added to the usual secretions - a mucous plug that previously protected the entrance of the uterus from infections. She can go out in parts until the very birth, as well as after them. The appearance of a symptom becomes a signal for a complete cessation of intimate relationships, since the uterus is now less protected from negative influences. Most women are already actively excreting colostrum from the breast.

Pain and complications

By the end of pregnancy, discomfort worries a woman more and more. She may experience:

  • pain in the perineum;
  • discomfort in the legs;
  • numbness of the fingers under the influence of circulatory disorders;
  • aching pain in the lower back and tailbone;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen accompanying the discharge of the mucous plug.

It is important to monitor the nature of the discharge. Abundant blood impurities become a dangerous sign, by which one can judge that the fetus is in danger. Also a bad symptom is a hard, "stony" abdomen. This is a sign that the uterus is in a state of hypertonicity, and premature and rather difficult labor can begin at any time.

Child development

The baby's body is already fully formed, and he just gradually gains weight. The appearance of the fetus in the womb is fully consistent with a full-term baby. He actively listens to surrounding sounds and can distinguish objects located around him, their colors and shapes. Of course, his mother's voice remains his favorite melody. The organs of the digestive system are actively involved in the work. In the intestines, the first feces (meconium) are gradually formed, which are still excreted along with the woman's urine.

The placenta is aging, so the baby receives less oxygen and nutrients. This is quite normal: this is how a signal is transmitted to him that soon he will have to breathe with his lungs at full strength, and the nutritious diet will be replaced by breast milk. In a small organism, the hormone "cortisone" is actively produced, thanks to which the child is able to independently perform swallowing and breathing movements.

The complex processes taking place in the brain are already giving the necessary signals to the limbs, due to which the child will gradually learn to crawl and walk. Neurons actively directs nerve impulses throughout the body, making its work harmonious. Reflexes, especially sucking, are becoming more and more stable. That is why the baby is already sucking his finger with might and main while he is awake, thereby preparing for the upcoming feeding.

In addition to sleeping and sucking a finger, the child actively moves the arms and periodically grabs the umbilical cord. His muscles relax often and for a long time, so wiggling may be reduced. Mothers should not worry about this and can enjoy the long-awaited peace of mind in the stomach.

The fluff has practically disappeared from the baby's body, and the skin becomes light pink due to the formation of the subcutaneous fat layer. The head is covered with hair. Nails also grow, going beyond the fingers. The skull has not yet become completely ossified, so the head is still soft, and in the near future this will help in walking along the birth canal. The nasal and ear cartilages continue to thicken, due to which fully formed ears and nose are visible on the baby's head. The formation of the reproductive system, including the external genital organs, is coming to an end.

Recommendations for the expectant mother

The most important thing that a woman should do now is to tune in to childbirth morally. You need to be prepared for the fact that contractions can begin at any time. Probably, at one of the recent antenatal clinics, the doctor has already appointed the optimal date for hospitalization, and also passed on all the basic recommendations, taking into account the current state of health. It is important to already know in which maternity hospital the birth will take place, as well as to meet with a specialist who will take them.

Also, take care of the following:

  1. Collect the bag to the hospital.
  2. Walk in moderation and do not forget about chores.
  3. If you have previously worn a bandage, it must be removed to ensure timely abdominal lowering.
  4. Eat a healthy diet and drink as much water as possible. It should be fortified and preferably natural steamed food. The amount of water should be at least 1.5 liters per day. To avoid constipation, add dried fruits and dairy products to the diet.

You still have a little time to learn the rules of childcare. Breastfeeding issues are especially important. If possible, attend classes for expectant mothers, which also include small physical activity. Together with your husband, you can choose a name for the baby, if you have not yet come up with one.
