By the 31st week of pregnancy, the future baby weighs 1.6 kg, and its height is about 40 cm. The development of the fetus is practically complete. For mom, the right moment comes to physically and mentally prepare for childbirth, before which there is very little time left.

Mom's feelings
At the 31st week of pregnancy, most women go on paid leave, and this must be done, since the body needs sufficient rest at this time. Usually, the weight gain of the expectant mother is 8-10 kg, in connection with which the following phenomena may be observed:
- movement becomes difficult;
- the load on the heart increases;
- severe shortness of breath appears;
- there are noticeable swelling of the limbs.
In addition, the following signs of late pregnancy appear:
- The grown belly greatly shifts the center of gravity of the body, due to which the deflection in the lower back increases, and the woman begins to lean back both while walking and in a calm state. This becomes especially noticeable in twin pregnancies, when the total weight of babies, uterus and amniotic fluid is quite high. The back and lower back may ache, which is inevitable and normal.
- Increasingly, there are training contractions - periodic mild pain in the lower abdomen and its spontaneous tension. Several contractions per day are considered the norm. If they are repeated at regular intervals and several times per hour, this is an alarming sign that speaks of the possible onset of premature birth.
- Scanty and translucent vaginal discharge is periodically observed. They should not be intense or have a pungent odor. Colostrum discharge from the breast becomes an individual symptom. Even if it is not there, you should not worry: after childbirth, in any case, the formation of full-fledged mother's milk should begin. In case of any deviations from the norm, the appearance of severe pain and unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Fetal development
The baby was actively developing in the first trimester of pregnancy. At the moment, the formation of all organs and systems has already been completed. Only the brain and nervous system continue to develop and become more complex. Nerve endings are gradually formed, and the baby develops general and pain sensitivity. The brain begins to feel more and more clearly the effect of various stimuli, and the body develops natural defensive reactions. Now the baby will not be able to accidentally harm the eyes and other sensitive areas during reflex movements.
The child's body prepares intensively for further life outside the mother's body. It becomes more and more overgrown with subcutaneous fat. Due to this, the baby's skin gradually turns pale and becomes not as bright red as before. However, the full formation of skin color will be completed only after the onset of childbirth. The skin itself is smoothed out, so the child becomes so cute and plump in appearance. Individual and well-defined facial features appear, and due to the rapid absorption of calcium, active growth of nails is observed. Many mothers are surprised to notice how long the baby's nails are after birth, but this only speaks of his good health and normal development.
The correct position of the child at this time becomes a good sign. His head should be at the bottom, his buttocks should be under his mother's ribs, and his legs and arms should be crossed and pressed against the body. To keep the baby in this position, you can wear a special bandage. Nevertheless, sometimes the fetus can occupy a slightly different position, which remains until the onset of labor. You should not worry about this, you just need to wait or use medical help in the future.
The baby's movements are almost constantly felt. His muscles are constantly contracting, which becomes a kind of training before birth. Sometimes the tremors can be strong and painful. Do not be afraid, just try to enjoy the realization that a small person is developing within you.
Medical examinations
At least once every two weeks, it is necessary to attend antenatal clinics. In the direction of the doctor, you will also need to take routine urine and blood tests. It is highly discouraged to neglect such frequent checks: any deviations in a woman's health are very dangerous during late pregnancy. At the same time, many diseases do not make themselves felt, being asymptomatic. Urine and blood tests are performed quickly enough, and their results will be quite enough to make sure that there are no undesirable changes in the body or not.
Also, future women in labor are assigned scheduled ultrasound procedures. In the course of this study, the doctor determines the main parameters of the child, checks the symmetry of the development of his limbs. In addition, the location of the placenta is noted, various pathologies are identified, and a general monitoring of the condition of the fetus is performed.
Recommendations for expectant mothers
A woman should begin to actively prepare for the upcoming birth. You can attend special classes for expectant mothers, where they teach the correct breathing technique during contractions, explain the important points of the initial period of motherhood. It is worth thinking about the name for the future baby, start preparing the children's room. Finally, it is very important to set yourself up psychologically for the expected birth. It is necessary to overcome fear and believe in a positive outcome of the obstetric procedure.
Those who have a low pain threshold and are simply afraid of previously unknown sensations should think about possible anesthesia. There are various techniques to relieve a woman's pain during childbirth:
- Spasmolytic therapy is aimed at relaxing certain muscles and reducing the soreness of the uterine contractions.
- Epidural anesthesia involves the insertion of a special catheter into the spine, which reduces pain, but maintains sensitivity during childbirth.
- In case of possible deviations, for example, an intervertebral hernia, epidural anesthesia may be prescribed.
Still, it is better to try to tune in to natural childbirth in order to avoid any side effects. Remember that drugs that enter the mother's body are passed on to the baby. To reduce stress during the prenatal period, it is recommended to enlist the support of your husband and other family members, as well as to focus on your condition. Remember to talk to your baby every day so that he gets used to your voice and behaves calmly in the first weeks after birth.