There is no such person who would have escaped the fate of school love. Unfortunately, she rarely makes a long relationship that flows into a life together, and therefore, perhaps the word "love" is quite controversial here, but we can say with confidence that every girl certainly had sympathy for her classmate. But not everyone managed to win the boy's favor. So how to behave in order to please a classmate?

Interest club
Of course, many girls choose the tactics that seem right to them - these are the tactics of the same hobbies. And, it must be admitted, there is a rational grain in this! It is undeniable that a person who shares your preferences, your hobby, in most cases will be of interest to you. Realizing this, many young ladies try to copy the "subconscious" of the object of sighing. However, here you need to act very carefully, in no case overdo it.
In order to "collect information" about who you like, it does not take a lot of effort - if you are brave enough, you can ask all the questions that interest you personally to him. If not, talk to his friends.
In order to "collect information" about who you like, it does not take a lot of effort - if you are brave enough, you can ask all the questions that interest you personally to him. If not, talk to his friends.
Find out what kind of music your hero likes, what kind of movies he watches, what kind of sports he enjoys (and, if he is, what club he cheers for), what books he reads, what he does in his free time. Given the fact that you are in the same class, it shouldn't be difficult to figure out all this. And, of course, if possible, find out which girls he likes. After all, there are often cases when cheeky hooligans dream of a quiet gray mouse, and nerds from the first desks dream of a cheerful, talkative and very active girl.
Save yourself
But in all this there is one big fly in the ointment. By learning about the interests of a young person, you risk losing yourself. It is worth thinking about this first of all, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that this should be feared.
In other words, once you find out which football club he loves, you shouldn't immediately start rooting for him either. Most likely, it, on the contrary, will look ridiculous, because it takes time to start to understand something well. It will be better if you read the information about this team, about the championship in which it competes, about the sport in general. Moreover, if you have any questions or you don’t understand something, you can safely ask your beloved about all the nuances. Believe me, this will interest him much more, because each person always wants to share his knowledge, teach someone what he knows and can do himself.
Do not try to imitate the boy you like and be like him in everything, keep your individuality, but do not be afraid to broaden his horizons with his interests.
Do not try to imitate the boy you like and be like him in everything, keep your individuality, but do not be afraid to broaden his horizons with his interests.
This axiom applies to everything - books, films, music. Does he love some kind of director? - Fine, watch his filmography, and you will have something to talk about. Are you a detective fanatic? - Read Agatha Christie and share your impressions. Listens to French rap? - Listen to several performers, find out the translations of their texts, discuss with him and you will see how interest in your person will begin to arise.
Do not in any way be afraid of the reaction of your classmates. Each of us has the right to get involved in something and change our hobbies. How the class will react is the fifth thing, the main thing is that you are interested.
And most importantly - believe in yourself and your strength, because if this is fate, then, as you know, it will find it behind the stove.