How To Be Brave And Meet A Girl

How To Be Brave And Meet A Girl
How To Be Brave And Meet A Girl

Youth is the time of love, dating and romance. However, not all guys dare to approach the girl they like and get to know each other, and then regret not showing courage. In order not to miss your chance in the future, heed the advice of more experienced conquerors of women's hearts.

How to be brave and meet a girl
How to be brave and meet a girl

How to become bold for dating

The fact that a girl is shy is taken for granted in society. However, the guy is credited with the responsibility of being bold and confident. But what if you do not feel decisive in yourself? Fears are caused by complexes that should be dealt with.

Soberly assess the situation - there are no ideal people. And your difference from confident guys is that you focus on your weaknesses and they focus on your strengths. Write down all your positive qualities on a piece of paper and remember this list more often. Train your body: even if you don't look like an athlete, sports will improve your posture and make your muscles stronger. Engage in self-education and self-improvement - girls like not only athletic, but also smart guys.

Even if you don't feel bold and confident, learn to make the right impression. Stay upright, look at the girl in a friendly way, smile. Posture and gestures should be relaxed: for this you can practice in front of a mirror. Start the conversation with a loud enough voice so that the girl does not have to ask again.

Useful Tips

To be bolder when meeting a girl, prepare several different conversation scenarios. You can portray a comic poll, for example, on the topic of dating on the street, or you can just give the girl a nice compliment. The main thing is that the praise is sincere and believable.

If you hesitate to get acquainted directly, approach the pretty girl under a different pretext. For example, ask for directions or offer your help. Or you can try to talk to the girl as if you already know each other. She will respond by inertia, although she will doubt. And in a few minutes, admit that it was just an excuse to get to know each other. And if you are charming enough, the girl will probably want to continue the conversation.

When you start a conversation, talk more about the girl than about yourself, but if she asks, answer briefly and truthfully. To surprise your new friend, you can surprise her. For example, buy her a beautiful flower or a small souvenir. The girl will surely appreciate this gift and your gallantry.

Very often shy guys are afraid to approach very beautiful girls, preferring to communicate with less attractive persons. Should you do this? Beauties are accustomed to the attention of guys, so they behave freely and uninhibited, but the "gray mice" may refuse due to shyness. In any case, refusal should not become a tragedy. Any experience in dating and communication is valuable for you, the main thing is to be able to analyze your mistakes and not repeat them again.
