Over time, any family faces relationship crises. How are they expressed and how to overcome them?

Step 1
The first crisis occurs when tender love passes and the spouses begin to see in each other not only advantages, but also disadvantages. During this period, you need to understand that both positive and negative qualities make a person an individual. You need to be neutral in the situation, calmly perceive the behavior or habits of your other half, in response your spouse will do the same in relation to you. After all, all people have both positive and negative qualities. Focus on the positive qualities of your loved one.
Step 2
Second crisis. Living together, becomes the cause of fatigue from constant contact with one person. The spouses get tired of each other, irritation is mixed in, and later open aggression. Lost interest in life and craving for new fresh impressions and experiences. To cope with this stage, it is necessary to provide each other with personal space, to discuss the framework of the given freedom. Spouses need to constantly develop and improve themselves in order to be interesting for each other. Think about how you can refresh relationships, joint vacations, new experiences, a change of scenery and stagnant habits.
Step 3
Third crisis. The appearance of a baby in the family is a real test for spouses. The man is preoccupied with financial problems that are becoming more complicated, and the woman is completely devoted to caring for the child. You can overcome this stage if you do not stop interacting and communicating. Talk not only about pressing problems, find time for common interests and relaxation. Let the man also participate in the upbringing and care of the child. Arrange joint walks, play together with your baby. Cohesion, the main indicator of a real family.
Step 4
Fourth crisis. Children leave their parental home and start an independent life. And then the spouses understand that the main meaning is disappearing, they have to adapt to a completely new life. This is the time to take care of yourself, to shake up the relationship of the spouses in a new way. After all, this is not the end, but the beginning of a new stage in life, no less pleasant and intense. Look for new hobbies, travel, do what you could not afford due to lack of time and energy.