Where Do Obsessions Come From?

Where Do Obsessions Come From?
Where Do Obsessions Come From?

There are a lot of thoughts in my head, some of them are useful, some are not quite. Obsessive thoughts are not the best ideas.

Where do obsessions come from?
Where do obsessions come from?

About obsessive thoughts

Unpleasant obsessive thoughts are false, they are baseless, completely unnecessary in the head. They actively try to master the brain, force them to act unconsciously, or fall into deep depression.

The subconscious of a person is attacked by endless obsessive thoughts, in especially difficult moments of life they increase in number and especially pump the brain. At the same time, a deep depressive state (stress) begins, it takes away the joy of life, the feeling of beauty around.

Various life situations in this state are perceived very inadequately. What these thoughts can be, on the basis of what they are formed, it is impossible to say for sure. A person who looks dull, grieving for a long time, is seized with unnecessary thoughts. There are a lot of stupid, unfounded ideas, for example, they can sound as follows: "There is nothing bright in this life, everything has acquired dark colors, not life, but existence"; "I don't want to live at all, there is no second half." You can often hear the following expressions from people who are in a state of depression: “this was the last attempt, nothing else will work, all your life you have to be alone and no one even looks”; "The feeling of guilt will never leave." Or the following expressions come across by ear: “it is better to bang your head against the wall than to endure everything”; "There is no more sense in living." Sometimes you can hear completely inadequate words, as if a mentally ill person speaks them, for example: "I am a burden to everyone, and for me everything is a burden."

How to get rid of bad thoughts?

It is impossible to put up with the fact that obsessive thoughts constantly live in your head. You must get rid of them immediately. There are several ways to deal with them.

It cannot be assumed that bad thoughts have a heavier energy than good ones. Obsessive ideas have the same power of attachment to the mind as light ones, which positively affect a person's state. The best way to deal with such thoughts is to subconsciously cleanse yourself.

In order to clear the subconscious, you can fill the brain with other information, and the information must be positive. Contamination of the subconscious can arise from constant idleness, so you need to find yourself a useful activity. Often the lack of desire for something gives rise to obsessions. Another great way to get rid of unnecessary negative ideas is meditation or relaxation.

Obsessions come to mind from time to time, the main thing to remember is that they can always be exterminated. You just need to find the right way.
