Why Is The Wedding Dreaming

Why Is The Wedding Dreaming
Why Is The Wedding Dreaming

White dress, veil, shouts of "Bitter!" - the main attributes of a wedding - an important event in life. A wedding ceremony in a dream or preparation for it can predict the near future, as well as warn of possible failures. But in order to more accurately understand what the wedding is about, you need to turn to the dream book.

Why is the wedding dreaming
Why is the wedding dreaming

Ah, this wedding

A wedding and related celebrations in a dream, as in real life, as a rule, predict positive events and changes. So, for an unmarried young man or girl, such a dream can promise a quick change in marital status. Marriage in this case is not far off.

If a married or married people dreamed of a wedding, it is likely that a replenishment associated with the birth of children is expected in their family. A woman who saw a wedding in a dream, while it is enough to be an ordinary eyewitness of a festive family event at the holiday, may soon find out about pregnancy. If you happened to walk in a dream at your own wedding, where you act as the bride and groom, happiness in marriage, regardless of marital status for the present day, will be provided for you. At least, many dream books interpret the appearance of a sleeping person at their own family celebration in this way. In general, seeing your own wedding in a dream is considered a good sign. In this case, we can talk about the successful resolution of existing problems, sorrows and anxieties that you are experiencing at the moment.

But being in a dream at a wedding feast surrounded by many women or men is quite harmful - such behavior warns of confusion in relationships with the opposite sex or incomprehensible circumstances in business. It is also not recommended to dance at a wedding in a dream - problems may arise with persons of the opposite sex.

The opportunity to rise in the opinion of the people around you, people in high position, leadership promises a dream in which you were offered a marriage proposal, and you accepted it. So do not get lost and feel free to agree. You should not worry even if you see that your chosen one or chosen one preferred another person as a life partner. Such dreams only say that your fears and sufferings are groundless, so you should not pay attention to them.

But the appearance at a wedding of a person in mourning attire is undesirable not only in real life, but also in a dream. Such guests do not bode well: family life may be unhappy, travel unsuccessful, chores at work - useless, surprises - unpleasant.

It is noteworthy that the dreaming of a wedding dress for both a woman and a man speaks of possible public affairs, where you will have a chance to meet new and interesting people for you. A stained wedding dress is a kind of warning about a quarrel with a loved one, which can arise practically from scratch. Therefore, those who see a wedding dress or suit with a stain should be more restrained in their relationship with a loved one. In this case, the ability to control yourself will not hurt.

What do famous people say

Clairvoyants and psychologists describe wedding dreams differently. So, Sigmund Freud associated a wedding event with sex, from which both partners enjoy. If, before this dream, the person had no sexual experience, the wedding may indicate a hidden fear of sexual intercourse.

Vanga believed that being a guest at a wedding means a pleasant pastime in the company of good friends, old acquaintances and a possible meeting with the main person for you, who can radically change your fate. Being in the place of the groom or the bride speaks of the need to make an important decision, as an honored guest - the need to help a loved one.

Loff's dream book, before interpreting the appearance of a wedding in a dream, advises looking for the root cause of such a dream. Perhaps a little earlier you talked about the wedding of friends and acquaintances, or you yourself are preparing for this event. Then everything is obvious. If this vision appeared for no reason, try to connect it with experienced impressions or life circumstances. So, a wedding can talk about the importance of decisions and commitments. The more positive moments you experience in a dream in connection with the wedding, the more successful your business will be in reality. Meneghetti advises paying attention to wedding details, as they can predict the future and suggest the right decision.

Marriage - unmarried, the birth of children - family, precaution in dealing with people, a happy marriage predicts Hasse's dream book who saw a wedding in a dream.

Longo believes that a wedding in a dream tells the unmarried about the desire to quickly try on the role of the bride or groom. Married - predicts novelty in marital relationships.

In Tsvetkov's dream book, negative events and experiences are attributed to the wedding, it is also believed that such a celebration can predict tragedy, sad events and even death. As can be seen from the above, there are many interpretations of a wedding in a dream. Believe them not, it's up to you. But it is best not to focus on negative emotions and experiences. As a rule, the positive attracts the positive, while the negative only attracts the bad. So think more about the good.
