Our awareness of a child's life is often based on what we hear from him. Of course, we strive to control every area of life in which he revolves, be it school or leisure, but sometimes there is simply not enough time. And for us it becomes a real surprise that at some point the child suddenly does not want to learn. But there is no place for emotions, the upbringing and regulation of a child's life is a long and responsible process, which must be approached as carefully as possible, and not driven out of emotions.

Step 1
First of all, you need to find out the reason for this opportunity. You can not ask questions "head-on", this can scare the child away from possible sincerity, if he really has problems. Wait for a time when the child will be most disposed for a conversation, perhaps he will start it himself.
Step 2
Once the conversation has flowed into a fairly trusting channel, ask some leading questions about how he is doing. Nudge him a little to answer your questions, but don't push too hard - this will only scare him away. Do not give advice, but do not remain indifferent - sympathize in words, make it clear that you understand him.
Step 3
As a rule, the main reasons for the decline in interest in learning can be both poor relations with peers and strained relations with teachers due to poor academic performance. In the first case, you should psychologically adjust the child to normal conflict resolution and, if necessary, participate in such a way that the child will not know about your intervention.
Step 4
In the second case, you need to talk to the child's teacher and, if necessary, hire a tutor. Sometimes it happens that due to poor academic performance, an imbalance is created in a child - he suddenly wants to know everything, but does not want to learn. In this case, it is worth working with him on a specific action plan, in which he clearly understands what he is doing at each moment in time and what his next step is devoted to. Do not pull up several objects at the same time - you risk overworking the child.