Many parents face this problem. It is necessary to identify the reason and help to gain the desire to reach for knowledge again.

Step 1
Parents are the main role models. You can use your example to tell about success in school and how it helped in later life. The child will begin to understand the purpose of the activity, study diligently, and will be rewarded in the future. Perhaps the child has an idol, a favorite fairytale character, a superhero, which can also be used as an example. Without labor and special knowledge, they would not have been able to achieve fame and success.
Step 2
Perhaps the problem is related to the general school atmosphere. There could be a conflict with peers, or a teacher. It is necessary to observe the behavior of the child. Lack of mood, low academic performance can be associated with internal feelings. Encourage your child to share the problem. Most likely, he really needs comfort and parental advice.
Step 3
If the child is absent-minded, cannot concentrate, perhaps he just needs rest. Children often have information overload and they just need to turn their attention to their favorite activities.
Step 4
Don't swear for bad grades, misses and failures. Especially if the child himself is extremely depressed and needs support. It is important to support the child, instill self-confidence and self-confidence.
Step 5
If the child does not understand any subject, do not refuse help. Work with him yourself, or you can resort to the help of a tutor. Do not demand the impossible, it happens that some subjects are not given to the student at all. It is better to focus on those lessons that are easier to perceive and arouse more interest.
Step 6
Healthy breakfast and sleep are important factors affecting student performance. Especially if he attends sports and other additional activities. Perhaps, due to the lack of healthy nutrition and proper rest, the child simply does not have enough strength and energy to study. As a remedy, a healthy balanced breakfast to help the body wake up and recharge. Also, do not let your children stay up late at the computer or TV.