Very often in schools they give work at home, this is usually a phenomenon. But, as a rule, children actively resist this work. Not all parents can control this process due to various circumstances, and it is not always possible to influence a child in different ways. Because of this, learning problems arise, which creates conflicts between the child and the parent. Parents are aware of the importance of education, but it is not possible to convey this to the baby.

You can list the main reasons why the student does not want to do his homework.
Panic can be one of the main reasons for this resistance. Because of this, the baby cannot concentrate. What caused this fear? Perhaps the child once learned a lesson on his own, but remained unappreciated or rated his work unsatisfactory. If the teacher criticized the student's work or the child was humiliated in some way, then his self-esteem may decrease. In this case, parents need to control the process of completing assignments. And also help in solving complex issues.
Lack of interest
It so happens that a child has no disposition to one or another object. Children are not always given everything easily and simply, it is likely that the student simply does not understand the material and, because of this, cannot complete the work. In this case, the child needs to hire a profile tutor who will help fill the gaps in the student's knowledge.
To attract attention
In the modern world, parents usually have a lot of work and do not pay due attention to the child. Then the baby tries to attract him with all his might. Failure can also be a means of attracting attention. After all, if the student does not understand something, he needs help and then mom or dad will be there. In this case, parents need to reconsider their attitude towards the child and try to give him due time.
What to do for parents
You can't pamper a child. It can also affect their academic performance. It is necessary that there is discipline in the house, and the child is not left to himself. You cannot indulge all the whims of a student. Praise him is necessary only when he really deserves it.
Conversations with the child. In order to eradicate problems with lessons, you need to talk to a child, explain to him that school is a kind of work. And the work must be done. You can tell him what will happen if the parents do not do their job well.
Also, have mom or dad talk about how proud and frustrated they are about the child’s success. It is necessary to explain to the student that he must study, first of all, for himself, because in the future it will undoubtedly be useful to him. The kid needs to be shown how the parent trusts him, and then the child will try to meet expectations.
You can buy textbooks in which colorful pictures, this will interest the child and he will show interest in the subject. You can also offer to watch video tutorials, the material in which is set out more clearly. Such videos are much more interesting to watch than to study the material on your own.
The student can be motivated to complete assignments. For example, you can offer half an hour extra time to watch your favorite cartoons or an extra walk in the yard. Also, for successful results, you can take your baby to a zoo, a movie or buy him a toy.
The main thing in such a matter is to find an approach to the student. It is important to remember that all children are different and one subject is easy for someone, and more difficult for another. Parents should not scold the kid for this, he must be understood and supported. In addition, the school is not aimed at the personal development of the child, so you should not put it above all else.