Laryngitis is not a deadly disease, but unless it concerns babies. In the case of the latter, the consequences can be dire. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Causes and symptoms of laryngitis in infants
The causes of laryngitis in infants can be associated with bacteria, fungi, various viruses, dust. In most cases, the disease is diagnosed when the season changes. Infants are especially prone to laryngitis. This is due to the fact that their immunity is still weak, and the nasopharynx is in the stage of formation. Since the baby's nose is not yet able to fully perform its protective functions, the bacteria are easier to penetrate deeper, causing complications.
The first symptoms of laryngitis in babies are cough and runny nose. Gradually, the voice begins to wheeze, and breathing becomes difficult. Due to the narrowing of the airways, the child begins to breathe with a whistle. He becomes pale and restless. The appearance of cyanosis around the lips is possible. There is a risk of "false croup" when breathing becomes difficult because the windpipe is blocked by inflamed ligaments. This sign is the most dangerous for the crumbs. If you do not take any measures, the child may even suffocate. With the rapid progression of the inflammatory process, the mucous membrane swells, blocking the air supply. You can recognize a "false croup" by barking cough, wheezing. In this case, an ambulance should be called immediately. Before the arrival of specialists, the baby needs to be kept in an upright position, giving a warm drink.
These manifestations are characteristic of acute laryngitis. The chronic form occurs after repeated inflammatory processes in the nose and larynx.
Treatment of laryngitis in infants
With the development of the first 2-3 signs of the disease in a baby, you should call a doctor at home or go to the children's hospital yourself. It is highly undesirable to procrastinate, since in the initial stages of laryngitis it will be possible to do with inhalations, rest and some other means without prescribing injections. Discharge in this case can occur within a week after the application.
Children under one year old from laryngitis are best treated in a hospital. Attacks can be observed repeatedly, often even at night, so the baby will be better under the constant supervision of specialists. The doctor may prescribe inhalations, ointments, physiotherapy procedures, drug therapy. In case of a sharp deterioration in the condition, emergency measures will be taken (cutting the trachea with further insertion of a tube to ensure breathing).
In order for the child to recover as early as possible, special conditions must be created for this. It is important that he be more silent, since the inflamed vocal cords need rest. It is advisable that the baby breathes through the nose, not through the mouth. Humidified air makes breathing easier. Drinking plenty of fluids is another important prerequisite for recovery.