It is not an easy task to get a prince as a husband. This active, even purposeful activity is far from entertainment, as some people think. Getting acquainted with a wealthy man is only part of the idea. It is much more difficult to attract and keep him close to you.

If you have met a handsome and wealthy man in your life, you do not need to hope that he will immediately fall at your feet, and you will not have to make any efforts for this. Such stories are found only in fairy tales.
Secrets of Conquering a Man
A girl's behavior should have its own zest. You don't need to open up to a man to the end and turn your whole soul inside out.
There must certainly be a riddle in you that he wants to solve.
To arouse a man's interest in herself and interest him, a girl must be an absolutely unpredictable person. The beautiful half of humanity should not allow such a state that a man eventually becomes bored and uninteresting with her. A woman should not become a read book. She must constantly surprise and charm him.
A girl must have a rich inner world. She just needs to be able to support her partner, listen to him, and at the right time and keep silent.
Not everyone will enjoy being interrupted by idle chatter during a conversation.
Young wealthy men, of course, are primarily attracted by the girl's appearance. But young people can pay attention not only to this. They may be interested in the intelligence of the girl, because you must have some common topics of conversation. It is very important to be able to maintain a conversation.
An important aspect of winning the man of your dreams
The most important aspect in winning a wealthy man is the first impression. The young man must want to see the girl again. As you know, men love with their eyes. And, accordingly, a woman should take care of her appearance and be well-groomed. At the same time, she should not behave vulgarly, assertively. On the contrary, it is best to be natural, elegant and open in communication and behavior.
In no case should you impose yourself on men. Persistence scares them a little. Ideally, you want him to be the first to approach you. Try to make it clear that you should never complain about your life and discuss or judge anyone in his presence. Men really don't like gossips. You need to make sure that he sees in you a successful, purposeful, happy woman.