Jealousy can arise at any stage of a romance, even in a strong and long-term relationship. This feeling torments not only the jealous person, but also the object of jealousy, so it is better to find a way to get rid of it.

Step 1
Do not be aggressive and do not torment your wife with unfounded suspicions. Do not make scandals about returning home late, do not check your phone for romantic messages, this will only aggravate your situation. Most often, jealousy has no basis, but under your pressure, a woman can go for consolation to another man.
Step 2
Be considerate and affectionate with her. If a woman does not receive the necessary attention and love from her spouse, there is a possibility of betrayal. A girl who is happy with a relationship rarely has an affair on the side.
Step 3
Build your own self-esteem. Often, jealousy appears not because of real problems, but because of the complexes and insecurity of the jealous person. Understand yourself, correct flaws, raise your self-esteem and become better than you were before. When you love yourself, your suspicions will disappear.
Step 4
Take a break from your worries, do what you love, and try not to think about your jealousy. Negative emotions spoil the mood, worsen the state of health, but do not give anything positive. After a pleasant pastime, in a good mood, you will be able to look at the situation with completely different eyes.
Step 5
Take a sober look at the situation without trying to invent non-existent signs. Do not try to emphasize the daily activities of the spouse - she is delayed because of a date, she is very defiantly painted for her lover, and she is so happy because of an affair on the side.
Step 6
Spend more time together. Meet your spouse after work, spend weekends together, join her circle of friends. But don't be too intrusive so that she doesn't want to take a break from you.
Step 7
Talk to your wife about the thoughts and feelings that bother you, she may not even know about your feelings. The conversation should take place in a calm atmosphere and without the presentation of any accusations. A simple conversation can explain previously incomprehensible moments, help to understand each other and make you even closer.