Nobody likes to quarrel. However, sometimes the conflict breaks out over sheer nonsense. To prevent these unpleasant moments, you need to know some of the subtleties of communication.
Step 1
Before deciding on your behavior in a conflict that has arisen, decide whether you need it now. Sometimes a fight is the only way to initiate a dialogue with a person. However, most often it remains just a source of experience for all participants. A quarrel can be avoided in advance - to prevent its occurrence even with all the prerequisites for this, or to nullify an already arisen conflict. In any case, the main thing is the ability to control your own emotions.
Step 2
To get away from a quarrel, learn to switch the attention of the initiator to side points. Do not give in to provocations, hints and reproaches. Make it clear to your opponent that you understand his ultimate goal - to provoke a conflict, and you are not going to help him in this. Instead, offer to discuss the problem in a calm and constructive manner. When criticizing yourself, control your emotions by objectively evaluating what was said. Instead of denying everything and making excuses, admit fair statements - this will deprive your opponent of the opportunity to develop the quarrel further. If your opponent is very emotionally aroused, try to distract and calm him down. For example, report that the refusal to spend the weekend together was motivated by a desire to take overtime to get the opportunity to present an unexpected gift.
Step 3
If there is a fight, try to translate it into a constructive dialogue as soon as possible. If the reproaches and accusations are true, apologize and explain what reasons forced you to do this. Make it clear that you have realized your guilt and in the future will try to avoid the repetition of such situations. If you've done something that is guaranteed to cause conflict, the best way to prevent it is to admit it when you meet and immediately sincerely apologize.