The procreation instinct is one of the strongest. Sooner or later, a woman and a man think about having a child. But there are also cases when a girl passionately desires to become a mother, and her husband, referring to a lot of reasons, both very convincing and frankly dubious, stubbornly repeats: "It's too early!" And this continues for a long time - months, or even years. The woman is at a loss. This not only offends her, but also frightens her. How to be in such a situation?

Step 1
First of all, remember firmly: no reproaches, scenes, scandals. Moreover, ultimatums: either we have a child, or we get divorced. Instead, try to pinpoint the reason why your husband stubbornly refuses to become a father as accurately as possible. And based on the answer to this question, think about how you need to proceed.
Step 2
It may well be that your partner is simply too responsible for everything. But the birth of a child is one of the most responsible and important decisions in the life of any person. If the reason lies in your husband's insecurity, whether your family is psychologically and financially ready for the appearance of a baby, whether it will lead to a sharp decrease in your standard of living, you should calmly and frankly talk with him.
Step 3
Together, estimate, calculate what your total income is, savings, due to which it will be possible to reduce costs when you have to stay at home with your child, whether you can count on any additional sources. Assure him that they themselves are able to get by with little, that they are ready to run the household economically and prudently. It is quite possible that this approach will calm the husband down, remove his doubts.
Step 4
Sometimes it happens that the husband is not sure of the strength and reliability of your feelings. He is frightened by the thought that the marriage may fall apart. It is one thing to leave a wife, and quite another to leave a wife and child. Here, in addition to purely financial problems (alimony), there will be psychological ones, and very painful ones: in fact, he lost his child. In such a situation, there are only two ways out: either to convince him that his fears are not based on anything, and your feelings are still strong, or to really get a divorce. Should you give birth from a man who doesn't believe you?
Step 5
A situation is also possible when the husband simply has not yet awakened the same parental instinct. Although he truly loves his wife. Yes, some men need time to get used to the idea of their future fatherhood. Here you have several opportunities: to visit families in which children have recently been born, or to resort to the authority of the husband's parents - they say, when will you give us grandchildren, you really want to tinker with them.
Step 6
With a reasonable, tactful approach, the wife will solve this problem. And the husband afterwards with sincere bewilderment will think: how could I doubt whether we need this best child in the world?