How To Leave Painlessly

How To Leave Painlessly
How To Leave Painlessly

Table of contents:


Now the time has come, and you realized that you do not fit together. Tears, pain, accusations against each other. Stop! Think, would you do better by "pouring out" the dirt? Naturally not. Yes, separation is an unpleasant procedure, but it is in your power to make it less painful.

How to leave painlessly
How to leave painlessly


Step 1

First of all, mentally prepare yourself for the breakup. Think about how to tell the person about the end of the relationship. Try to do it in a milder form, that is, you do not need to blame, point out the shortcomings.

Step 2

In no case shout, because you better not make a scandal. It is not possible to build a constructive dialogue - leave in silence, refraining from accusations and reproaches. Forgive and understand each other, because in such a situation there are no losers and winners.

Step 3

Try to hold back tears while talking and showdown. If you feel like crying, do it alone or on the shoulder of a loved one. It is even necessary, because you need to cry.

Step 4

Think, if you broke up, then it was necessary. Everything that is done is for the best. Remember that a loved one is walking somewhere, destined for you by fate. Time just has to pass.

Step 5

Engage in some fun activity, for example, you have long dreamed of learning how to draw pictures, but all the time you put it off for later. Or you wanted to go camping with your friends. Now is the time to fulfill all your unfulfilled dreams.

Step 6

You can also go in for sports or sign up for yoga courses. To remove all negative emotions, you need to throw out adrenaline, for this find an extreme hobby, for example, parachute jump.

Step 7

For a little distraction, go to a cafe, nightclub or theater with friends. Spend time outdoors. The main thing is not to stay tete-a-tete with your sad thoughts.

Step 8

Visit a beauty salon or spa. Change your image, hairstyle. Go shopping. You must be so busy that you do not have free time for reflection and tears.

Step 9

If negative thoughts oppress you - speak out, tell a loved one (friend, relative) everything that has accumulated in your soul. Let go of the situation. And remember: time heals.
