Are There Any Advantages To Divorce During Pregnancy?

Are There Any Advantages To Divorce During Pregnancy?
Are There Any Advantages To Divorce During Pregnancy?

Each person, entering into marriage, hopes that this is for life. But sometimes it happens that during pregnancy a woman is forced to leave her husband. It becomes impossible to live with a despot, an alcoholic, a pathological lazy person.


It is legally beneficial for any woman for the child to have a father, and the child himself is born in marriage. But in life there are situations when, at such a seemingly joyful moment, the preservation of marriage and further living together becomes impossible.

Pros of divorce during pregnancy

According to the RF IC, only the woman herself can apply for divorce during pregnancy. And the judge will take this into account, understand that not too good life together pushed a woman expecting a child to such a step. The material benefit is obvious, the expectant mother can collect alimony from the negligent father not only for the child, but also for herself, until the baby reaches three years old. Situations when the husband does not give his wife money for practically nothing, while she is on maternity leave and does not work, are not so rare.

When getting married, a woman might not know what her husband is capable of. The domestic tyrant often manifests itself precisely when a woman becomes dependent on him. And pregnancy is exactly that situation. And then divorce is good, the woman gets a quiet life, no one mocks her. The same applies to alcoholics and parasites, who show their true colors during such a period.

When the expectant mother, and then the mother, is happy and calm, it is good for the baby next to her. This cannot be said about a situation when a man, in fact, is a father only in terms of metrics, and not behavior, treats his family. And in his absence, the child will be much more comfortable.

Cons of divorce during pregnancy

The only downside is the absence of the father, but this situation can be corrected if the mother married another man. Among the minuses is also the fact that the biological father may begin to evade the payment of alimony, that is, simply not to fulfill the legal alimony obligations. And then mom will have to either go to work as early as possible, or constantly visit the bailiffs. Conscious fathers among those who were left during pregnancy are practically not found. A woman will never leave a good man in such a state.

Another huge disadvantage. If the mother has adjusted her life without the participation of the child's father, she is wealthy and successful, or she has a worthy other husband, and she herself has the opportunity to go on vacation outside the Russian Federation, then the ex-husband can really ruin life. From him it will be possible with great difficulty to obtain permission for the child to travel abroad. He can either hide and refuse consent, or demand payment for signing the document, or force the woman to refuse to receive alimony. Although being a husband, such a person will constantly interfere with everything.
